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  1. snagglepuss

    flowered too early??

    Well they are in pots now, so hopefully in the next week I'll see improvement Other than the that, is there any useful info I can use? ( money is an issue so the best cheap advice is most Welcome)
  2. snagglepuss

    flowered too early??

    ok, so first of all this is my FIRST TIME. For the first 9 weeks they were in little plastic cups ( like beer pong cups), i just today put them in much bigger pots that are about 12" tall. them seem to be flowering already and none of the plants are over a ft. tall. What should i do? not do...
  3. snagglepuss

    very short and budding?

    ok, well i just put them into larger pots and put in miracle grow instead of dirt from some guys plant i stole. but there is no way i can use artificial lighting, its not an option. about how much bud can i expect from this small garden of 3 small plant? and thanks for all the input, keep it...
  4. snagglepuss

    very short and budding?

    well i cant use a grow room cause i dont have enough space, and i dont have money for lights. i just need the best to grow the highest quality weed in my window. and from the pics, how much longer would you guys say it has till harvestin time?
  5. snagglepuss

    very short and budding?

    If your talkin to me, I'm in Texas and it's always warm But I think I will do the rectangular box idea And how much longer would yall say they have to go?
  6. snagglepuss

    very short and budding?

    Thanks guys. I thought that might be a problem but I'm new. I'm definately gettin bigger pots asap
  7. snagglepuss

    short plant, budding???

    (first time to grow) ok, so i planted my crop in about late december so their in about their 9th week. i have 4 females and of them, 3 look like there beggining to bud. the only problem i see is that none of them are over 12 inches tall. heres my set-up -each is in a blue plastic cup, like...
  8. snagglepuss

    very short and budding?

    (first time to grow) ok, so i planted my crop in about late december. i have 4 females and of them, 3 look like there beggining to bud. the only problem i see is that none of them are over 12 inches tall. heres my set-up -each is in a blue plastic cup, like for beer -they have set in the...