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  1. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Just done a measurement of the babies The tallest cola of the bunch stands at a grand 7 inches from the soil !! Will post some pics soon.
  2. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Looking crystal-y! serious stickiness going on in there you can see some leaves have been chopped to remove some of the damaged / dead bits. Loving the 'Trace Elements' cure Around ten days, maybe 2 weeks left at the most! Stay tuned for the harvest ;)
  3. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Im not too sure what caused it man, I think it was probably a combination of water / adjusting to the heat or light / repotting. Could even just be that the leaves were too big for the little cuttings to hold upright to bgin with :p Yeaaaa the computer took a hit but it was around 5 years old...
  4. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    haha cheers man! The give-away in the end was that the top halves of the stems connecting the fan leaves to the main stems had turned purple, but were still green underneath. They're really responding well to the cure i gave them! will post some more pics soon.
  5. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    The case inside is only around 45 cm tall. i did have to do some modification. drilling out rivets and making holes in the top for ventilation / wires / screws etc.
  6. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    OK so the babes have been plagued by an Mg deficiency, which i first assumed to be calcium... I was wrong They don't seem to have taken too much damage though, and i have given them some 'trace element' cure. Starting to stink and the buds are seriously fattening up.
  7. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Hermie* stupid mac auto-corrects everything -.-
  8. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    ah right. hmmmm i don't think tying the plant down would do anything to hermit it. thats why they call it low stress ;). Me and a friend just recently went and bent down some plants he has outside which are about 1 - 2 weeks into flowering and they seemed to respond well. A screen could be a...
  9. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Yea man its loved it! theres buds allover the place! can't wait to see it all trimmed up and find out exactly how much I've got!
  10. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Moving along nicely, pistils starting to brown, more and more trichomes every day! couple of weeks and these babies will be coming down i think. some sort of sickness showing on fan leaves.. rusty brown spots and slight yellowing on some but i think its just settling in to the explode or some...
  11. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Looking good so far man! did you do them from seeds? I had to do so muchtraining cause i only had 40cm of height to fit in the pots and the plants and the lights! The plants grow horizontal after the first node pretty much haha! Ill measure it all up later and post it up here. I know, i cant...
  12. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    I was originally expecting around a Q or maybe a half but looking at it now i wouldnt be surprised to get an ounce, maybe even more.
  13. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Cheers man! I cant believe its turned out so nice either! Was gonna upload more pics tonight but the camera decided to die -.-
  14. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    I couldn't resist haha here's a sneak preview ;P
  15. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Cheers Nidar. haha thanks shin. ill add some more pics tomoro night. The material is some sort of insulation sheeting. its like a thin layer of foam between two sheets of tin foil. you can buy a decent sized roll for about £15 in b&q I think. Temps are good now. they were getting fairly high...
  16. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Finally taken some higher quality photos.. Looking really nice You can see the crystals coming in on the leaves.. Buds fattening out nicely.
  17. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    I recommend it man! you may only pull an ounce from such a small space but its fun to watch them grow and do all the training etc.. All i recommend is that you start with cuttings, as you can flower them at any point, because they came from a plant that was already mature. If you try this with...
  18. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

  19. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    I think it is from th seeds sounds amazing man, cant wait to see how it all pulls off, might get a bit tight in there but i reckon crop early september, ready to smoke late september / early october, will be a nice birthday prezzie to trim them!
  20. E

    PC Stealth Grow 300W+ cfl. Chocolate Chunk

    Here we go, flowering like nobodies business. This was initially an experiment but is looking quite nice now, an ounce from this tiny space isn't looking out of reach! Bit of trimming of the leaves going on as you can see, getting a bit tight around the edges! These are the most recent...