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  1. pentaborane18

    just wondering.

    anybody think that it would be possible to create a higher red spectrum from cfl's just by painting them red? just high and wondering. thnx
  2. pentaborane18

    Ebb and flow

    thank you guys very much i just love how helpful and nice everyone s here its easy to get what you need quick.
  3. pentaborane18

    Ebb and flow

    alright. im using a traditional ebb and flow system and i'm only wondering if having my nute solution exposed to direct hps light is going to cause any type of algae growth or anything else? my solution is constantly moving when the pump is on and also being aerated 24/7. please and...
  4. pentaborane18

    Will this work?

    i might could get a shitty cell phone pic of the dried final product for ya i dont think i saved any of my old pics with da digi.
  5. pentaborane18

    Will this work?

    ok so i'm about ten minutes from cutting down my two ladies.. its my first grow and i'm sad to see them go but cant wait to taste em. i've constructed a very "ghetto" drying box out of a cardboard box and some wire tied across the top to hang my buds on. theres also a little computer fan at the...
  6. pentaborane18

    citric acid.

    alright man thank you very much for the info. i think i will just go ahead and get somthing made for it. and yes it is a bit complex.
  7. pentaborane18

    citric acid.

    is it alright for me to lower my ph by using citric acid such as lemon juice?:?
  8. pentaborane18

    leaf problems

    hey i found a nice little reference chart for diagnosing different plant problems. check it out. International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
  9. pentaborane18

    24/48 hours darkness.or not before 12/12?

    after i let mine sit in the darkness for 48 hrs when i re-opened the cabinet doors i saw a pretty noticeable stretch. didn't hurt the plant a bit. I'm sure that its not necessary and didn't really seem worth it.
  10. pentaborane18


    well i'm pretty new to all of this but it seems that the more air in your water the better so as far as the air stones go in your flood tray i would go for it. i def do not think it will hurt.
  11. pentaborane18


    thank you very much for the info man very helpful. i'll def try the algae destroyer and i use a black contractor bag as a res lining so everytime i change my nute solution i just put a new bag in and the algae goes in the trash.
  12. pentaborane18


    ok so i have a wick system and an uncovered reservoir. i also have a white snot like fungus that grows around the edges of my res and around the wicks themselves. i was hoping that someone could tell me what it is and how to stop it if possible at all. i already know that it is due to my...
  13. pentaborane18

    molases question

    alright good i'm pretty new to growing and was just wanting to make sure.
  14. pentaborane18

    molases question

    i bought a brand of molasses that i have not heard of being used before and was wondering if it would be safe to go ahead and add to my nute solution. i have a link to the site for the company who makes it. Molasses | Blackstrap Molasses | Blackstrap Molasses Calories-Wholesome Sweeteners any...