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  1. Buzzkill

    Can the Cleveland Cavs win a national championship in 09-10?

    In my opinion the Cavs have no chance at the title. The laker's will take it again this year. Kobe is unstoppable and the whole team is just stacked. I would rather have ariza back than artest though.
  2. Buzzkill

    Fav. Video Game of all time.

    Majora's mask was amazing aswell but for me i liked ocarina of time better because i played it first and i just didn't get the same feeling while playing majoras mask. Id say majora's my 3rd favorite game though.
  3. Buzzkill

    Fav. Video Game of all time.

    Im interested to see what everyone's favorite video game ever is and why? Mine would have to be Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of time simply because every time i got a new weapon or beat a boss i felt so accomplished. The story and combat system is stellar and because of the replay value. I've played...
  4. Buzzkill

    Games take more skill than sports?

    I love how everyone thinks if u play wow your a virgin and have no life. I play wow and have been playing since Burning Crusade came out, lvl 80 hunter and i have a girlfriend, not a virgin, and actually have a life? you know how i do this? because it's not hard to put a video game down...
  5. Buzzkill

    Get this one part 2

    you posted two pics of your "lip" and the burn or whatever it is changed spots. Soo.....that shit must be VERY serious, call for an ambulance right now.
  6. Buzzkill

    Get this one part 2

    Maybe contact someone who can help you?
  7. Buzzkill

    Get this one part 2

    Im sorry to hear that.
  8. Buzzkill

    Get this one part 2

    This is very entertaining.:lol: Hey Wikid!
  9. Buzzkill

    So whats up with this fdd2blk guy

    I've been around for awhile and never had one problem with fdd, besides the fact that hes a tony stewart fan.:-P
  10. Buzzkill

    NFL discussion

    So who's everybody picking to win it. Im a vikings fan and with the new addition of favre i have high hopes for the season.
  11. Buzzkill

    That's it I'm smoking my plant...

    Ah well i live in the middle of illinois, and its not a huge town, but all you can usually get is some deco mids for like $5 a gram or some "dro" which is mids half the time for $20 and we get sour diesel in once a month and it goes for $25.
  12. Buzzkill

    How go your days in Azeroth/Outland/Northrend?

    I have a 80 Hunter and 74 Death Knight both on Dentarg. I've cleared all wrath content up to halfway through ulduar and then i quit for awhile, I'll prolly pick it back up next patch but $15 a month isn't worth it when you only play 1 day a week to raid for like 3 hours.
  13. Buzzkill

    That's it I'm smoking my plant...

    If you're getting some dank ass bud for less than $20 a gram i need to befriend you.
  14. Buzzkill

    who wants to talk?

    Yea In-Patient. I failed like 5 drops in a row for probation so they court ordered me into a 60day program.
  15. Buzzkill

    who wants to talk?

    Haha, When i was in rehab people used to come in trippin on dxm all the time after they went out for pass.
  16. Buzzkill

    who wants to talk?

    Lol, I've never took DXM, but now i think im gonna have to.
  17. Buzzkill

    at work and borrrrrrrred

    Agreed, A goodlookin lady is a compliment to anything. I gotta find me one of those.:hump:
  18. Buzzkill

    ** 5 Of The Best Places You've Had Sex? **

    The best place i ever had sex besides the bed which is a personal favorite was probably back in highschool, I had this girl over so i took her for a ride on my 4-wheeler into the woods and banged her right ontop of it.
  19. Buzzkill

    Who here loves to grow as a hobby

    All these different strains always have nice exotic names that just draw you in. Haha
  20. Buzzkill

    Do you smoke cigarettes?

    Yea, I've been smokin marlboro reds for about 8 years now, I never even think about quitting until i have to walk up some stairs.