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  1. B

    Mylar? Foil? Mirrors?

    I am using a shower stall to grow in. what should I line the walls with? A friend said use old cds. Is it the reflective properties that matter? Or is it an insulation type deal? Thanks
  2. B

    new sprouts,first time grow.

    THANKS. So the hydro is the way to go? I was thinking a couple big work lamps and some good soil with watering.... hydro kinda scares me..... Getting the supplys today should i replant the seedling sprouts now or wait a couple day till they are stronger?
  3. B

    new sprouts,first time grow.

    So I have some seeds around that I threw down in some potting soil. 4 sprouts popped up. This is kind of a practice learning run for me. If I get smokable product I will be happy. Reading this forum I have realized my mistakes. All the sprouts are in one container I need to seperate...