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  1. infamous hawaii

    Is it fuc*ed up...

    Hydro DWC Room Temp high-83* Room Temp low- 77* Fox farm nutrients 1000 HPS about a 1 1/2' away from top of canopy Flooded 3 times when lights on and 1 time when lights off. 12/12- 4 weeks In one of my DWC bins i have WR and big bud. The WR is fine but the BB has claw and most of the pistils...
  2. infamous hawaii

    Northern Light x Big Bud

    Picked up some WR, BB, NL/BB from nirvana. The WR was great with great yields and the strain seemed pretty stable. The BB sucked balls crap yields and the strain didnt seem that stable at all, so i tryed to grow a second batch with same problems as first batch. Very weak strain. But the...
  3. infamous hawaii

    Helicopters in the sky!

    That guy is fuc*** crazy and tripping balls lol... Great Video LOL...
  4. infamous hawaii

    Please Help... What wrong with my plant...

    any pros out there have any ideas if i can salvage this and save it or what??? or am i shit out of luck....
  5. infamous hawaii

    Please Help... What wrong with my plant...

    well i will try to see if i can salvage it...
  6. infamous hawaii

    Please Help... What wrong with my plant...

    yeah.... Im flushing them as we speak and just going to run pure h20. Think they will b fin or what????
  7. infamous hawaii

    Please Help... What wrong with my plant...

    This plant is 7 weeks into flower and this just started happening abolut 3 days ago and just starts to get worse. Its in hydro. I thought it was a nitrogen def., but the plant seems limp so then i thought it was under watering. Now im just not sure. I flushed yesterday and gave new nuts but...
  8. infamous hawaii

    Med Grower ?

    Yes i read this before Picasso345, and thank you for posting it again. There is alot of helpful, and great information on there
  9. infamous hawaii

    Med Grower ?

    Thanks man. But if they dont have that in hawaii what can happen...
  10. infamous hawaii

    Med Grower ?

    What happens if your a med grower and your limit is 7 total with 3 mature and 4 veg, and you grow 20. What can happen.
  11. infamous hawaii

    Did I Prune Correctly Or Did I F Ck Up Pic's

    You topped it... I normaly dont remove the fan leaves when i top but im sure that its fine. But you might want to cut those fan leaves braches closer to the stem. If you leave them out they will rot and it makes it easier for insects. Good job thought...