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  1. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Hey guys thanks for the input ! I've noticed today the fan leaved on the tallest plan are drooping a bit, I'm pretty sure I'm not overwatering as they all get the same amount and the other 2 are ok, if so would heat stress cause it on one plant and not the others ? On a hot day it can reach...
  2. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Day 33 Slowly getting there...
  3. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Day 30 Probably a waste of time since no one every replies but.... Any advice on some of these leaves ? Should I bother trimming out the larger fan leaves blocking the light to some of the lower buds ?
  4. Catoblepas

    150 Watt Closet Autoflower Grow [Russian Rocket Fuel]

    Im growing Anglematic and Vertigo at the moment, they've barely been flowering for a week but I've just given them their first load of bio-bloom and molasses which should boost the budding.
  5. Catoblepas

    150 Watt Closet Autoflower Grow [Russian Rocket Fuel]

    Looks excellent ! My autos are on day 28 and they look around the same as yours height wise, but then in the following 3 days yours sprouted a ton ! Hoping to see similar results. Hope it continues to stay that healthy dude.
  6. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Day 28 4 weeks today, last few days have been pretty good. Pulled a few leaves that were completely blocking some of the buds. The vertigo plant looks especially nice, loads of hairs all over this plant. Watered today with the first load of bio-bloom and molasses.
  7. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Day 26 Was hoping someone might be able to give me some advice, should I be trimming the big leaves at this stage that show no signs of any buds ? I mean some of them are blocking the light to some bud sites lower down. Its not detrimental to the rest of the plant to cut off leaves at this...
  8. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Day 24 I changed the bulb to the insanely large 250w red cfl last night, and boy does it give off some heat... Had temperatures raising to 86f in the summer daytime, a bit lower in the night hours. Should I be worried too much ? With the 125w blue bulb it got as low as 68f at night, I'm...
  9. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Day 20 Everything looking good, the newly planted AutoBlueberry is up and about now aswell. Do they look about the right height for nearly 3 weeks ?
  10. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Its been just over 2 weeks now, everything going well. Planted a new AutoBlueberry seed yesterday, looks to be just breaking the soil. I've included a close up of the biggest plant, does this look like just more leaves forming ? Day 17
  11. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Day 14 Watered yesterday, looking healthy !
  12. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    I posted day 9 a little late so here is day 11... All looking very good, growing alot faster now. Anyone got some advice for watering ? They are in 11l pots at the moment and its been a week since they had any water. The first two inches of soil are pretty bone dry but theres still a bit...
  13. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Update: So its just over a week now, changed the lighting to 20/4 with a plug adapter as I've read a few hours dark helps the babies grow. Mourning the loss of Angel #3 today, she died. I have however ordered a nice new Auto Blueberry seed to replace her. Day 9
  14. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Very little change to report. One of the Angelmatic seedlings literally stopped growing at all as soon as it sprouted, wilted and died :( The other 3 are doing ok with very little signs of new growth, unsure what is going on but im hoping they are just massing a root ball !
  15. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Thanks for the advice ! I didn't soak the soil before planting the seedlings so I gave them a little water over the first few days, but the soil quickly dried out (checked around 3 inches deep at least) so I have them a proper watering on the evening of Day 4. I propped it back up and its...
  16. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Update again - Everything looking ok, I'm still not sure on an oscillating fan so any advice as to where it would be affective would be welcome. All but 1 of the girls look healthy, I found the runt drooped down looking dead last night. Gave them all a healthy watering and propped her up...
  17. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    So everything seems to be going fine, I've had the light on 24/7 now and all the plants have sprouted from the seed and are starting their first leaves. Still not sure where to put the oscillating fan, is it worth it above the light ? Also, I watered the plants to keep the top few inches...
  18. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Thanks for the tip, I've weighed the pots and watered till it looks suitably damp. All of the seeds are above soil after around 36 hours, one of them has sprouted its first leaves already ! I'll post more pics when they are all showing some greenery.
  19. Catoblepas

    First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil

    Hey all, So this is my first grow, decided after months of research to take the plunge. Trying some strains I haven't seen much of before, so fingers crossed. Setup as follows: Grow Space: Secret Jardin DS60 Tent Ventilation: 4" TT Inline Fan with 4" Carbon Filter + 8"...