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  1. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    Only accomplishment today is a daily walk in the rain... It’s worked though.... Asleep mid crisp lol @Laughing Grass gotta admit, I do the same with the pics.... I was used to @DarkWeb ‘D’.... gonna be screwed now lol
  2. Stoz1985

    Everything MMA Thread

    Gotta say… it didn’t disappoint!! Ngannou is a beast!! I didn’t think I could ring any more respect for Ferguson. Ghaethje put in a life time performance there though... what did everyone else think?
  3. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    Lol… that obvious!
  4. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    Anyways… Today’s accomplishment … Rhubarb crumble cake :bigjoint:
  5. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    I gotta say… and this is the god honest truth… ive never seen a living, nor dead, Rat! i don’t lead a sheltered life or owt… and I’m a dog man, my old Dalmatian caught 7 rabbits, 2 pheasants and fuck knows how many dears over the years! And this… is ma back street(that’s right, a chippy on the...
  6. Stoz1985

    Jars for curing??

    thanks… got a wilkos local so I’ll have look
  7. Stoz1985

    Jars for curing??

    Thanks, I’ll grab some in the morning. Planning the trim for the evening.
  8. Stoz1985

    Jars for curing??

    Yeah, they’re £2 each from Asda!!!Lol Tbh my first grow hasn’t come out aswell as id hoped. It’s strong as shit though :bigjoint: I’m sharing this grow(3 plants)With a pal, and with the expected yield I dont think it’ll last that long when halfed lol so they’re just to get me on.... this pic was...
  9. Stoz1985

    Jars for curing??

    I was worried that would make them worse? Maybe pull through moisture and get used up quickly? 1st grow so I have no experience with them?
  10. Stoz1985

    Jars for curing??

    I was just going to burp them?
  11. Stoz1985

    Jars for curing??

    Thanks -al
  12. Stoz1985

    Jars for curing??

    Hi All, So I got these jars for curing, I realise they have to be air tight, but once I got home I poured some water In and there was a slow drip(maybe a drip a second) meaning they’re not air tight! But, with the minimal escape, I was wondering if you guys thought they’d be sufficient? :bigjoint:
  13. Stoz1985

    Everything MMA Thread

    Ferguson or gaethje ??
  14. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    Backyard bbq in the uk’s freakishly warm weather…
  15. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    Nice, I got room for a 1m x 1m x1.8m tent, sure you can guess what’s wall to wall in there.... :bigjoint:
  16. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    Wish I could mate… this is the entirety of my garden…>:( and even that’s artificial grass:wall: only gardening I get To do is in my basement :bigjoint:
  17. Stoz1985

    Urgent help needed

    I’ve gotta says this was one hell of a read… Its now 3.20am though... gotta say @Tythefic, you are one hell of a prick.... There, I’ve said it. I’ve never come across anyone more deserving of a Stockton slap than yourself good sir.
  18. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    Looking at all this amazing food at midnights gonna weigh heavy in the morning.....
  19. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    You’ve definitely cemented my desire with that my man! looks class :lol:
  20. Stoz1985

    What did you accomplish today?

    Gotta say, I cant stop thinking about jalapeño cornbread… :eyesmoke: Ive never even tried corn bread! But with jalapeños ……… ingredients will be added to the shopping list