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  1. R

    LST Stealth Grow, Super-Box

    Hey Kobe, nice to see you have the box up and running as well as a journal SUBBED!!! In my box I vegged for over 30 days, but I also did a lot of pruning to help keep them low to the ground as a lot of strains do tend to stretch following the change in light cycle. Sense you have what looks to...
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    Fist Grow Journal - SuperBox, CFL Light , Hydroponic, Tangerine Dream

    Looking good, just a little packed. Im day 13 into flower, finally made a journal. Check it out :D
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    3 White Widow DWC lots of pics!

    Thanks bro, pull a chair up and kick back.... I picked up a 18 foot roll of it for like 35 bucks at home depot. Kind of ghetto but it works eh? I'll also look into getting smaller pictures :P
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    3 White Widow DWC lots of pics!

    Hi fellow growers. I am up to day 13 into flower and until this point I have been updating a grow journal on GC ( but it wasn't working out to well lol no feedback whats so ever. Rollitup has always been...
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    Fist Grow Journal - SuperBox, CFL Light , Hydroponic, Tangerine Dream

    Elpig, looking amazing man (other than the shortage of space.) I currently have 5 plants in my box and im about 33 days into veg. I recently began to lst/fim/top all of mine, the only difference is that I didn't start with feminized seeds. Im hoping 2 of the 5 are at least female so I don't get...
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    Fist Grow Journal - SuperBox, CFL Light , Hydroponic, Tangerine Dream

    Yoo hows it coming? Im super stoked to see whats to come!
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    DWC Grow Closet (New Grower)

    Greetings all! This is my first grow and first post =] I have a Superbox ["]] 12/1/11 (day 1) - I germinated 12 White Widow seeds 12/3/11 (day 3) - I went ahead and planted 10 seeds in rock wool, which had been presoaked in pH...
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    DWC Grow Closet (New Grower)

    Greetings all! This is my first grow and first post =] I have a Superbox ["]] 12/1/11 (day 1) - I germinated 12 White Widow seeds 12/3/11 (day 3) - I went ahead and planted 10 seeds in rock wool, which had been presoaked in pH corrected...
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    Fist Grow Journal - SuperBox, CFL Light , Hydroponic, Tangerine Dream

    Looking great! I myself am on day 22 in my super box and my plants are about 2-6 inches tall. I just started a grow journal which will be up very soon (I will let you know). Ill have pictures posted up asap I am just waiting for the site to approve my grow journal thread. Im sad though, I...
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    DWC White Widow (New to Growing)

    Greetings all! This is my first grow and first post =] I have a Superbox [] 12/1/11 (day 1) - I germinated 12 White Widow seeds 12/3/11 (day 3) - I went ahead and planted 10 seeds in rock wool, which had been...
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    "Topping" my plant

    If you are growing in a confined space, topping your plant regularly is definitely the way to go. It is absolutely proven effective, although topping some strains could stress them. Generally one will start topping 4-5 nodes into growth, anywhere from 4-12 inches tall (generally 6+) but it...
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    Fist Grow Journal - SuperBox, CFL Light , Hydroponic, Tangerine Dream

    Subscribed. Elpig, we have a very simmilar grow going on only you are about 30 days ahead of me. I also grow using a super box 5 in 1 only I have spots for 10 pots. Yours is looking great, and I hope I can get somewhat of a same result. How expensive was it to make that scrogg screen you have?