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  1. prime mover

    More Leaf Problems (Pics)

    How do I properly leach my plants? I've never had to do it before. Do I just flood them with pure water? Again - Thanks!!
  2. prime mover

    More Leaf Problems (Pics)

    I've been using Fox Farm at 3/4 strength. I'll try a flush tomorrow and see if that helps. Thanks~ PM
  3. prime mover

    More Leaf Problems (Pics)

    Hi all! Out of my 12 plants most of them look healthy but I'm still having some strange leaf problems?? I have yellow tips on some, and others are just crispy and curly. The temp in my room is a little high but not out of hand. Does anyone have any idea what may be wrong? Over or under...
  4. prime mover

    Molasses During Veg Stage

    Thanks!! I just started using it on my flowering plants (second week of flowering). I'm going to start using it on my vegging girls now too! EZ~ PM
  5. prime mover

    Molasses During Veg Stage

    I've done a lot of searching about molasses on this forum but the one thing I can't find is if it's okay to use molasses during the vegetative stage? Anyone that has used molasses for your grow can you please tell me if it's okay to use during veg and how much you use? Thanks!!! PM
  6. prime mover

    Planet Skunk

    Well, I did some research and I read a lot of great things about Planet Skunk so I went ahead and placed an order. I went with The Hog and Heavy Duty Fruity!! I can't wait to start some new strains! I've been growing the same strain for far too long. Now I just have to set up my new DR300 and...
  7. prime mover

    Planet Skunk

    Just wondering if anyone from the states has ordered seeds from Planet Skunk? And, if so, how was it dealing with them? Thanks~ PM
  8. prime mover

    Curly Weak Leaves (PICS)

    Thanks all. And, will try to dial things in Onsolomonsgrave! I'll keep you all posted.
  9. prime mover

    Curly Weak Leaves (PICS)

    Sorry, my post was misleading. I'm not giving them separate doses of macro nutes. I'm using Fox Farm but maybe I'm just a little heavy on the nutes when I do feed? I use the Fox Farm feeding schedule and measure a little under what they recommend.
  10. prime mover

    Curly Weak Leaves (PICS)

    I'm actually about 2 feet away and on a mover so the heat shouldn't be an issue. It's only a couple of the leaves on about 4 of the plants so maybe I'm over reacting. I just don't want another bad crop. That's just too much work to do when things go bad, it's heart breaking.
  11. prime mover

    Curly Weak Leaves (PICS)

    Heat shouldn't be an issue. I have 12 plants under a 1000K and it's about 12 to 16 inches from the canopy and on a light mover. I was thinking maybe a little high on one of the macro nutes. I'll just have to keep on eye on things I guess. Thanks
  12. prime mover

    Curly Weak Leaves (PICS)

    Hey all! I'm starting to have some curly leaves and I'm just wondering if anyone has any thoughts as to what it might be? They're pretty sporadic throughout all of my plants but it does concern me. I had a terrible crop last time due to ventilation issues. Now that I have that taken care of I...
  13. prime mover

    Ordering Seeds from the US

    Hmmm, I really need a new strain to grow and I would like to purchase seeds. I just don't know if I want to take the chance. Maybe once I find a place to ship them to I'll take the plunge and get something new. Thanks!
  14. prime mover

    Ordering Seeds from the US

    Does anyone have any good advice as far as good seed banks to order from? Also, I live in the USA so I was looking for advice from someone in the US who has ordered seeds. Any advice or help is appreciated. EZ~ PM
  15. prime mover

    Environmental Controls

    I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice on a reliable and reasonably priced all-in-one control unit? I need to power lights, AC, exhaust, light mover and fan(s). Any advice or input is greatly appreciated!! EZ~ PM
  16. prime mover

    DR60 Grow Tent light problem

    This text is from the company that makes the DR60 . . . The Dark Room frame is constructed of 0.70mm thick, 15.9mm diameter metal poles, making it very rugged for everyday use. The poles also utilize a special surface treatment that aids in installation and enhances their appearance. The...
  17. prime mover

    Darkroom 300W Grow Tent

    Will do. It should be arriving within the next day or two and then I need to change things around. I'll start taking pictures and start a journal. I'll let you know when shit starts. EZ~ PM
  18. prime mover

    Darkroom 300W Grow Tent

    Hotwired would be correct. There are two versions of the Darkroom 300, the basic 300 and the 300W (which I believe stands for "wide" as it is wider then the basic 300). Also, here's a picture of the 300W!! I can't wait to set her up and get it all tricked out!!!! :)
  19. prime mover

    Darkroom 300W Grow Tent

    Well, after much consideration I finally decided to take the plunge and purchase a grow tent. I went with the new Darkroom 300W (9'10" X 4'11" X 6'7"). I'm currently using a nice little room in the basement but I want an area that's easier to keep clean and I also want more control over the...
  20. prime mover

    Portable Air Conditioner / Heater

    Hi all! Just wondering if anyone is using a portable air conditioner/heater for their grow rooms? I need to purchase one ASAP to combat the high temps in my grow room and I want one that doubles as a heater for helping with the low temps in the winter. There are so many to choose one and I...