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  1. S

    A lot of yellow/pale green leaves 31 days into flower

    I was also told to try to add a little bit of grow feed to my bloom as this contains more N but if bat guano is better then ill get some just not sure which one to buy as theres that many and grow shops just make you buy anything. cheers
  2. S

    A lot of yellow/pale green leaves 31 days into flower

    Nitrogen deficiency progression
  3. S

    A lot of yellow/pale green leaves 31 days into flower

    I was told by the grow shop that if i start removing yellow leaves while in flowering stage it would stress them out 2 much. He said just let them fall off. Thanks
  4. S

    A lot of yellow/pale green leaves 31 days into flower

    Thanks man im still a bit confused, is there a certain type of bat guano to use or just any. Im growing in 15ltr pots so for these i would need 3 tbsp to each pot is that correct, also do i just give it them once and thats it until they finish. cheers mate
  5. S

    A lot of yellow/pale green leaves 31 days into flower

    Hi guy im new to this site and its the first time ive had to use 1 and hopefully some1 can help me. Right my setup is grow tent 2.0 x 2.4 x 1.2 2 x 600w lights 6inch fan & filter 5 inch intake 2 oscalating fans 6 plants blueberry Im 4 weeks into flower and i feed them vita-link A+B Temps...