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  1. H

    My All CFL Grow Journal

    Hey everyone sorry for the long time without a reply I have been pretty busy. But here I am it's Thursday going to transplant today later on but before I do that here are some pics before the transplant. Nu,mber 2 looks great the others I'm not too sure about. (1)Should Number 1 be drooping as...
  2. H

    My All CFL Grow Journal

    Hello everyone, stopping in for an update I'm going on day 8 from when they were planted and I have 2 doing good so far and 1 that I'm not too sure about and the other 2 haven't even broken the surface. (1)If by Thursday the last two haven't broken the surface would it be safe to say they are...
  3. H

    My All CFL Grow Journal

    Alright well I have it set that Thursday will be my transplant day looking forward to this alot =) (1)Was wondering I've seen many different ways work out but about how long should I keep my plant in vegg before switching to flowering just wanted to get a ball park idea in my head. (2)So for...
  4. H

    My All CFL Grow Journal

    Hello stopping into to give a quick update: First I want to thank all of you so far who have been constant responders to my messages I really appreciate it all. Now All plants seem to be doing good today. Growing very nicely. I also picked up a moisture meter today and this is where my first...
  5. H

    My All CFL Grow Journal

    Hello everyone!! Well got an update for you all. After work tonight I went and got the rest of the material I would need to finish my cfl lighting set up. I got 2 3 fixture vanity lights and stripped them down and put y adapters in all the sockets. Also I have a new baby trying to break the...
  6. H

    My All CFL Grow Journal

    Hello everyone, Stopping in for an update on my lunch break. My one that broke surface yesterday seems to be doing great and I had one new one break the surface today :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: Just freshly watered them today. Right now I've been using a spray bottle and give about 25 to 30...
  7. H

    My All CFL Grow Journal

    Thank you for all the fast responses and all of you that are interested in my grow. I'm very new at this and may ask alot of questions so I hope it doesn't get annoying. One thing I did want to ask is how many cfl lights should I have I really liked humboldt's cfl grow and he had about 14 bulbs...
  8. H

    My All CFL Grow Journal

    Forgot to attach my pictures here is what I have so far :mrgreen:
  9. H

    My All CFL Grow Journal

    Hello, After continuous reading and going over all the information I could I have finally started off my first ever grow. This is where I will keep track of it all and ask all the questions. Well to start off I am growing in a closet and the area I'm using in the closet Is about 4 feet by 2.5...
  10. H

    First Time Grower Using CFL's

    (1)so if i got 2 of the 3 socket lamps and put y's in all of them would 12 lights be enough? I'm only planning on growing like 4 plants and I have 3.5 feet long x 2 feet wide grow area. I also wanted to ask instead of wiring the vanity lights together would it be safer to just use two plugs...
  11. H

    First Time Grower Using CFL's

    Alright yeah my lights right now say that they are bright white will the be ok? But then you say I should switch my lights when I start flowering? Also I had a quick question about the vanity light I will in deed go and pick one of those up I'm going to see if they have one with 5 light fixtures...
  12. H

    First Time Grower Using CFL's

    Hello Everyone, I finally have my set up going and would like any advice I can get. Right now I have five seedlings planted about 3 days ago I didn't germinate or anything AI believe in just leaving them in the soil and they will work there way out. Temperature stays at a steady 75 degrees and...
  13. H

    New Grower Need all the help I can get

    I'm really interested in just trying the whole cool white and red light florescent tubes for my first grow and then maybe later on I can upgrade to more expensive lighting I've read many places have had success with just the cool white and red light plan and I'm just wondering if I can get some...
  14. H

    New Grower Need all the help I can get

    The only problem is I'm working on a budget and can't afford over $300 ballast for the lighting. I'm not to in on getting as much yield as I can like I said this is personal use I'm just trying to get started and get something going the easiest way possible. what are my other options that would...
  15. H

    New Grower Need all the help I can get

    OR! Would it just be easier for me to use a standard florescent light 4 foot tubes I don't really want to have to put like 9 cfls in somewhere when I can just install a ballast for florescent lights would one light be ok for 2 or 3 plants? Also is this way eaiser for me to go with or does...
  16. H

    New Grower Need all the help I can get

    Hey catmandoob abour how many of those lights (26 watts) do you have and how successful are you? Also where did you get the sockets to put the lights in and how do you have your lights set up in your grow area. Do you have pics that I could take a look at?
  17. H

    New Grower Need all the help I can get

    So do I need thoose lights on all together at the same time? If so how do I go about setting them up in a closet. What sockets should I try finding and how can I basically set up all thoose lights? Or is there an easier way to go where you don't need to purchase so many lights? I'm just trying...
  18. H

    New Grower Need all the help I can get

    I'm actually hoping just to use CFL's but I need to know about how many to get and what I can use to attach them to. Will the dome things I bought help at all with CFL's? Just basically right now I want to make sure I have everything ready before I even attempt to germinate. So any advice will...
  19. H

    New Grower Need all the help I can get

    Hello everyone, I'm a new grower just getting everything set up and needed to turn some where for help. The only thing I really got is my seeds lol. Today I just purchased a light timer, two farm light dome things like used for a heat lamp in a reptile habitat. a fan and thats pretty much it...