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  1. smitherz18

    ebb and gro questions..

    dwc was my second choice, with all the word about air pumps goin out and killing plants within hrs kinda veered me tword ebb and gro, i figured a couple of my girls would bite the dust on the
  2. smitherz18

    ebb and gro questions..

    thanks sinn, i like the way u put it into lamens terms.. much appreciated help, starting this system in 2 weeks , figured i better cram in some knowledge now..
  3. smitherz18

    ebb and gro questions..

    bout time to start a new gro ..question is with these new ebb and gro 12 site buckets with the 55 gallon resorvoir are they really the best route to go for a soil guy on the switch to hydroponics.. is it worth it,, cant find any decent info on it..
  4. smitherz18

    first week 12/12 serious growth!!...guess on yeild?

    judging by the size of them mommas id say no more than 2 1/2 oz , and thats only because they share so much light .. if yeild was a major concern more plant would have suited ur light wattage better.. they will strectch about a foot or more they usually stop growing vertically completly by the...
  5. smitherz18

    tight as in dense i would say yes.. that along with a 1000 watts lol., that is pure carb...

    tight as in dense i would say yes.. that along with a 1000 watts lol., that is pure carb goodness for ur girl, the last 2 weeks she will convert all those carbs to sugars = thickbuds,more resin glands, ummm ummm!!!
  6. smitherz18

    hello there fellow stoners

    not sure, i myself havent heard nothing but praises from buddies who say they have smoked it.i take that with a grain of salt..
  7. smitherz18

    hey shark thanks for commenting, i feed with mollasses starting at week 4 of flowering(but u can...

    hey shark thanks for commenting, i feed with mollasses starting at week 4 of flowering(but u can anytime). everytime i water i hit with 1 teaspoon alternate that only when u water feed by itself, week six go 1 tbl spoon same way until harvest. hope that helps ya man grow on botha
  8. smitherz18

    Do Black seeds grow as good as the green ones?

    man o man what i wouldnt give to spread a couple hundred seeds.. all i need is 100 acres i tell ya id blend them bitches in like commando.. but what if
  9. smitherz18

    not sure if i commented but thanks for the message later man

    not sure if i commented but thanks for the message later man
  10. smitherz18

    hello there fellow stoners

    i really hate justin timberlake but all i can hear in my head is his song "cry me a river"lol jk man.. u know a lot of people post on this site prolly more than most pot forums, but anyway, people arent gonna click on ur thread unless u intrest them u know, thousands of post a day most people...
  11. smitherz18

    6 plants 1000 watts and a noobie

    sup guys been al ittle bust with clones veggies and flowering plants, oh did i mention drying buds, sorry just like a little kid all over again here are some pics from the other day, comment away letm know whatcha guys think,, constructive critisizm welcome heres one not quite ready just...
  12. smitherz18

    Reserva Privada Kandy Kush?

    window shop means to look around but not to purchase anything... sorry i feel better now
  13. smitherz18

    short plants?

    how short, 8-16 inches def the lowryder mix, bout to sprout some moc little angel those auto flower's i hear can be done in 2 months from germination not sure about the type of high i like kush my self short compact ,great yeil, dense as hell nuggs, and narcotic for sure!! late
  14. smitherz18

    6 plants 1000 watts and a noobie

    update day 48, just started to flush with botanicare clearex, anyone have any experience with this product, would love to hear from u guys about this, just to throw in i just sampled some 6 week nugs and omg!!!! maybe just because im partial to my own bud,,, u know
  15. smitherz18

    big bud feminized from ministry of cannabis it's really all about the enviroment ,but strain is...

    big bud feminized from ministry of cannabis it's really all about the enviroment ,but strain is definatly a major factor
  16. smitherz18

    What brand do I use!!

    i agree u got enough flower power , i like fox farms myself, just with the ease of dummy soil and nutes. check out the pics u can see for yourself, but just about anynutes will do, one thing u will learn on ur journey of growin is that more is less, start ur girls off light and build from...
  17. smitherz18

    6 plants 1000 watts and a noobie

    all plants are 3 1/2 weeks from clone
  18. smitherz18

    6 plants 1000 watts and a noobie

    the new ladies with some full on frontal and a partial top shot 10 days from the juicing room ,aka the flowering room
  19. smitherz18

    6 plants 1000 watts and a noobie

    thats kinda the route i wanted to go but one turned herm on me and the others never sprouted, got 9 ladies itching to go in the flowering room
  20. smitherz18

    6 plants 1000 watts and a noobie

    thanks guys hopefully this will put me out of the war on terrorism ha ha no more buying, atleast for now..