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  1. S

    Bagseed, is it worth it?

    How close do I need to put my 400watt HPS bulb to the plant?
  2. S

    Bagseed, is it worth it?

    Ill def start a grow journal. Keep you guys updated as how it is going. Thanks.
  3. S

    Bagseed, is it worth it?

    I got a bag from a friend, it was pure cloned ak-47. But the neighbor tried to grow a MALE plant(he knew it was a male but for whatever reason grew it anyway) that was some bagseed and it polinated the AK. Needless to say, he was pissed, but do you guys think it is worth the grow?
  4. S

    New Grower

    actually, I love in a converted garage that is not even connected to the house. So it is not like the smell will loft down the hall. And my mom knows I smoke, I just havent got 'written' permission to grow. It is actually the neighbors I am worried about smelling it.
  5. S

    New Grower

    Hey guys, 1st post. Hope you guys can help me I was gifted a 400w HPS setup (Ballaste, Shade, and even a bulb). I am not sure I can use this because I cant make a noticable dent in the electric bill or my parents will start asking questions. What does it cost to run one of these lights 16/8? My...