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  1. StoneyMcphatter

    Life on Mars

    I'm on mars right now baby. Indica body stones over head trips anyday. My second real sample off these mars lights and I'm fucking baked. Now this is only a 4 week old bud sample from my smallest plant. Imagine what my heavy built huge fat cola plant in the back is going to hit like at week 9. I...
  2. StoneyMcphatter

    Life on Mars

    Where in that quote did I mention Mars vs Cobs? Why not qoute someone else and give them your lame opinion instead of attacking me? Are you on Whitney, Britney or Lindsey tonight because you're obviously not smoking weed. I never mentioned mars vs cobs so keep that to yourself. Everyone in here...
  3. StoneyMcphatter

    what is the cheapest nutients for flower on amazon?

    Go organic. Dr. earths and get high from cheap organics. It's gonna blow your mind. Take it up another notch with some tea's when you get more advanced and you'll get ripped. I don't do Britney, Whitney, or Lindsey just the cannabis and i'm tellin ya mate organics is the way to go.
  4. StoneyMcphatter

    Looking for you dirt bag growers

    I used MG one time. It made my plant look like a cross between a papaya and a pineapple. Colors were all over the place. Only organic nutes fer me now mate :bigjoint:
  5. StoneyMcphatter

    Feminized Seed Turned Hermie?

    If they sold you that as a feminized plant get your money back asap mate. Send them those pictures and demand a refund. Tell them you wasted time and money growing some fufu male plant that they passed off as a feminized plant and that you'll tell the whole world about it.
  6. StoneyMcphatter

    Life on Mars

    I can't speak for tyke but my mars hydro's are really tight and dense. No loose fluffy B/S here mate. I only smoke and grow dank.
  7. StoneyMcphatter

    Trust fucking no one!

    Years ago when I did my first grow (which is the reason why i stopped for years) I showed around 5 mates my grow. I had 4 white widows, big fat thick colas growing in 5 gal pots. These plants were beauties. This is right around the time growing websites started popping up so it was a huge thing...
  8. StoneyMcphatter

    Anyone close to harvest and taste testing?

    I don't think you can get the nutes out of those buds mate. Once their in there that's it, they ain't coming out with a couple weeks of water. It doesn't even make sense when you really think about it. I don't smoke leaves and from I know thats really where the nitrogen reserves come from...
  9. StoneyMcphatter

    Why isnt my plant budding

    The light cycle switch tells the plant that it's time to start producing flower. The reason why it's not producing is because the plant still believes it has more time to keep vegging. Ya can't tell me that their isn't a problem with your grow room because their is.
  10. StoneyMcphatter

    Temp problems NEED HELP CANT FAIL AGAIN!

    I don't mean to sound offensive mate but I just don't see that setup working with a 600w LED. Even if you were to mainline that plant the tops would still be too close to that 600w led. For that setup I wouldn't run anything higher than a 300w.
  11. StoneyMcphatter

    Fuck..! Ended up with no potent totally odorless weed..

    I'm crazy because I got high off my own bud? My own experience makes me crazy? How can you know what my body feels like, what my tolerance level is? and How much I smoke? Maybe I hadn't smoked in a year when I tested? Maybe my bud is just more potent than yours? Use your brain and think before...
  12. StoneyMcphatter

    Problem ordering seeds from herbies?

    One of my chase CC's got flagged and they wouldn't let me process the transaction until I specifically called them to authorize it.This was with visa by the way. My mastercard would have flat out declined it. Funny how they're trying to stop the transactions of seeds around the world. Multi...
  13. StoneyMcphatter

    Fuck..! Ended up with no potent totally odorless weed..

    And this is only with a 3 day try by the way. No cure. Imagine if I had cured it for 2 weeks as recommended. But I didn't need to, Super potent aurora indica from nirvana.
  14. StoneyMcphatter

    Fuck..! Ended up with no potent totally odorless weed..

    This is hard to believe mate. I sampled some of my buds yesterday. My plant is only in its 4th week of flower but the sample came from week 3. It's very potent to the point that i know I won't be able to smoke too much of it without it putting me on my arse after the plant gets fully harvested...
  15. StoneyMcphatter

    No smell 3 weeks into flower

    Mine smell like fresh cut grass in flower mate. They are as happy and as healthy can be.
  16. StoneyMcphatter

    Had to cut early

    Yup glass jar and burp
  17. StoneyMcphatter

    ACE Malawi Mainline chopped

    I dont get it mate. Yer knocking the chinese leds and sayin there bad but your plant proves otherwise? I'll go chinese led's over cree any day. Great looking harvest ya got there. Enjoy the smoke.
  18. StoneyMcphatter

    Had to cut early

    gotta cure that baby
  19. StoneyMcphatter

    First scrog. Second grow. Pruning during flowering.

    I aint pruning nothing during flowering mate. Sure I clean up the lowest part a little during veg cause it's touching dirt and theirs no light hitting it. But All this talk of pruning to focus on bigger colas is funny to me. These aren't tomatoes, their cannabis plants.
  20. StoneyMcphatter

    12/12 From Seed LED Distance/Darkness?

    Be careful with those cobs mate. They put out a lot of green light relative to the mars LED's and I'm sure you know it won't do anything for your plants. That's the thing about cob LED's mate. You either go regular LED's or you go hps/Mh. I just don't like cobs,