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  1. S

    flowering stage

    yeah i have a plant that is in veg stage and about 10 inches high off the ground and it's planted next to this plant. is it going to be pollinated?
  2. S

    flowering stage

    My plant has been flowering for about 3-4 weeks now. It was confirmed a hermie when i asked in this forum, but it doesn't seem like it's producing any seeds. The little balls just turn into small flowers, so does that mean it's still a hermie? Also I've noticed that there are ball shaped but...
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    I live in california and it barely rains over here. my question is if i could still plant outdoors in the fall/winter time.
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    Male and Female

    when i cut the "sacs" off, more pistils grew out of it, so is it a full female, and not a hermie? I only see those "sacs" only couple places on the plant, rest of them don't have "sacs"
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    Male and Female

    I had 2 outdoor plants, one i found out it was a male few weeks ago and cut that down. couple weeks after cutting down the male plant, i found out the second one was a female, but now I've noticed that it has balls on the bottom of couple branches. Did the male plant pollinate the female?
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    no sex after 4 months

    I grew 2 plants in late april too. i found out 3 weeks ago that one was male, and i found out that the other one is female 2 days ago. I think females show their sex later than males. Just give it time and it would probably be a female.
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    Plants with 3 Leaves?

    it's always 3 leaves, then 5 then 7
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    Female or Male plants?

    i'm going to pull it out and put it somewhere downtown tomorrow, and im going to see how quick it gets snatched.
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    Female or Male plants?

    both of them are males?
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    Female or Male plants?

    It's been about 2 months already and i think my plants are in flowering stage yet. I live in california and the sun doesn't go away till around 830pm. I'm growing outdoors. I'm pretty sure the first plant is a 99.9% male, and I don't know about the second one. Someone determine the sexes please...