Search results

  1. Basementboy

    Soil grow plants aprx3ft transfer to DWC? Even possible?

    Here ya go, ill post more in a few when im done :leaf:
  2. Basementboy

    Soil grow plants aprx3ft transfer to DWC? Even possible?

    Thanks for everything guys. SO heres the deal. did my own research and got some superthrive to put in my water im going to soak the plant in and got Azatrol Insecticide for the Mites. Total Cost $28 dollars. Im taking some before pics and then ill update in a hour with what i got in mind. i...
  3. Basementboy

    Soil grow plants aprx3ft transfer to DWC? Even possible?

    From the spider mites the plant is pretty scraggly. I think that DWC would cause it to get healthier quicker seeing as I wanted ALOT of clones off it. That and I have no soil plants or equipment. like a DWC Rejuvenation if you will.... ill post some pics if itll help
  4. Basementboy

    Need to change light schedule. Any help?

    Thanks guys that helps alot. So pretty much I run the lights on from 11PM to 11AM every day. So tonight @ 9PM I will just turn the lights on and run them for 12 hours till 9 AM. Really if you look @ it, either way theres going to have to be compensation for the time change. Doing it this way...
  5. Basementboy

    Need to change light schedule. Any help?

    So I have my timers 11am off to 11pm on. I was wanting to adjust the schedule to more of a 9-9. What is my best way to go about it? I was thinking that the light on is the more specific part in regards to timing so I was going to manually turn the light on a extra hour early tonight at 10pm and...
  6. Basementboy

    Soil grow plants aprx3ft transfer to DWC? Even possible?

    Just got some nice strain plants I adopted from someone who was having a problem with spider mites. I've ridded the mite problem and am not too familiar with soil. Id like to know if anyone as any knowledge or have ever tried to transfer a plant from soil to water. If not maybe ill finally have...
  7. Basementboy

    New to growing. Tons of pictures> WANT YOUR THOUGHTS

    Is there any way to post videos? The video I made of the night vision turned out ALOT better. The auto focus kicks in every time i take the take a pic and picks up all the light so its kinda glared. Plus its hard getting it to look down the NV goggles. Dunno how its gunna look. Ill try again...
  8. Basementboy

    New to growing. Tons of pictures> WANT YOUR THOUGHTS

    Awesome input. yea I have a 1000w hps setup at a diff grow site (pics coming in the next month) so i thought id compare and contrast some of my harvests. No doubt hps are better but the elec. bill and the heat output arnt so much of a problem as they are just undesirable. Maybe once i get a crop...
  9. Basementboy

    Im new to the site and growing, WANT OPINIONS AND COMMENTS

    Thanks yea its usually either or not both but I'm trying my luck with some low maintenance outdoor grows as well. ill ty to get some pics of that for ya!
  10. Basementboy

    Im new to the site and growing, WANT OPINIONS AND COMMENTS

    Heres some of the pictures. Pic 1, 2 and 10 are the lil buys and mother plants for my clones from about 2-3 months ago. :leaf:
  11. Basementboy

    New to growing. Tons of pictures> WANT YOUR THOUGHTS

    Lights are about to shut off. Finally able to upload these pics Peace :leaf:
  12. Basementboy

    New grower, Looking for all the help I can get

    Not too hot on the forums as far as how to use them. Heres those pics I was talkin about that ya asked for. If you want any kinda close ups or more info or anything please feel free to holler at me. Pictures 1,2, and 10 are from the very beggining. Pic 3 is my AC ducting pushing towards the...
  13. Basementboy

    New to growing. Tons of pictures> WANT YOUR THOUGHTS

    Sick of typing this same shit over and over so heres the lowdown: 8- 5gal buckets running DWC with bubbler stones at the bottom. As far as I know these plants are Blurberry/White widow. The source of the clones is unknown so if someone can verify that they are not I wont argue. Vegetative...
  14. Basementboy

    DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2011

    Took me a lil longer than I thought to change out those rez's. Let me know what you think you guys. Also I'm posting a bunch of pictures in the hydro section cause I'd like opinions on my setup. Anything you guys think I should do to these things? They look health and solid so far :)
  15. Basementboy

    New grower, Looking for all the help I can get

    Hi all this is my first grow. I am in my transition phase (ending tonight about midnight) they've been in complete darkness for 36 hrs along with there flush. I'm running 5gal buckets in DWC under 2 6 bulb T5's. During growing I had the bulbs every other spectrum (red and blue) and changed them...
  16. Basementboy

    DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2011

    I just made my profile on here today. I gotta DWC I'm transitioning into budding phase tonight. Couple more hours and the light will turn on and I'll take some pictures. Im 6 weeks into my grow and this is my first one so throw me some thoughts :) post soon
  17. Basementboy

    Im new to the site and growing, WANT OPINIONS AND COMMENTS

    I completely agree what I was trying to get out of that is what type of bulb do I need to do this successfully then? Is there green grow bulbs specifically designed for this?? Couple more hours and I can take a beast load of pictures.
  18. Basementboy

    Im new to the site and growing, WANT OPINIONS AND COMMENTS

    I posted this in my grow journal and it should be posted here. I just created my account today because I figure what better way to get information then from the people that do it every day. I am in my transition phase (ending tonight about midnight) they've been in complete darkness for 36...