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  1. S

    Postponing curing?!

    Thanx for the help....anyway I think i didn' expressed myself very well; I'm drying the buds for about 10 days, then I have 3 or 4 days to cure. It is not enough obviously but I thought it could help to let some internal moisture get out. What I'm asking is, is it ok to pospone the cure, and...
  2. S

    Postponing curing?!

    Hey everybody, I just had a quick question about curing. If I didn't have time to cure the harvested and dried herb (because I'm leaving town), is it ok to begin the curing process for 3 or 4 days (just enough to dry it) and store the bud for 7 weeks (the time I'll be away) and then restart it...
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    Question + pics

    Man, I thought it was a deficiency....anyway I flushed and not feeding much now. Thanks for the help!
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    Question + pics

    This babe is at its 4 week of flower, and it has these brown spots developing on the leaves. It looks like nut deficiency but I really don't know... Can anyone help me? Thanks!
  5. S

    Question + pics

    This babe is at its 4 week of flower, and it has these brown spots developing on the leaves. It looks like nut deficiency but I really don't know... Can anyone help me? Thanks!
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    Fert quest!

    Hey all! I just wanted to know if the Schultz fert for African Violets is ok to use with cannabis during the flowering stage. The nut ratio is 8-14-9. It's made for african violets (and other blooming plants) obviously, but would it be effective on marijuana? Thanks! Here it is: Schultz ...
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    Colour question!

    No clue anybody?
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    Colour question!

    just started curing about a week ago, and havent smoked those 2. So don't know.
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    Colour question!

    Just wanted to know what the colour difference between these 2 harvests could mean. They are the result of 2 different plants, but I'm pretty sure they are the same strain, and they where harvested, dried and cured at the same time. The difference is that one of them has a more orangy colour due...
  10. S

    Is it ready?

    So how long do you think it should go on for?
  11. S

    Is it ready?

    Just wanted to know if this babe looks ready to harvest. Too me it seems that it could maybe go another 5 to 10 days but for time issues do you think it looks ready enough to harvest in 2? I would say that 50 or 60% of the pistils have turned brown, and its been fl for 7 weeks.
  12. S

    Simple question!

    OK, I won't worry too much! Appreciate the help anyway! Peace!
  13. S

    Simple question!

    The timer is fine, I figured out it was setup wrong. Do you think the plants are going to suffer or have any kind of problem? Should I just keep on the normal 12/12 cycle even if they skipped one 12hr of darkness period?
  14. S

    Simple question!

    Hey everyone, what happened is that I just realized that the light timer had some problem last night and the lights didn't go off alla night leaving the babes with 24 hr of light. They are on a 12/12 cycle right now and have been for 3 weeks. What should I do? I'm just afraid that they will go...
  15. S

    Damn, Is It A Hermie?!

    I'm not 100% sure they are male flowers, but they do look like them. So there is definetly nothing I can do with it? If i grow it away from the others so I don't fuck them up, will I still get bud on the plant?(obviously not sensimilia but with seeds)?
  16. S

    Damn, Is It A Hermie?!

    Hey all, just wanted second opinions on what this is; it definetly has the female flower, but on the higher internodes there seem to be some ball clusters, making me think it's a damn hermie..... What do you guys think? And there is nothing I can do with them right? Appreciate the help.
  17. S

    Please give me some advice!

    Hey everyone, I wanted to know what is a good and fairly easy weed strain for indoor growing? I'm looking for a strain that will tend to produce a more head high... I'm thinking of getting orange bud, or maybe white widow skunk (a cross between Skunk white widow and nothern lights). What do u...
  18. S

    Ripe buds ?

    Yes it's only for me, so I'd like a pretty good tasting result. FilthyFletch, I really don't have that choice. I have less than 2 weeks to have the final shit, then I will store it in a cabnet or something. Do you think it's better to spend more time drying or curing (in 13 days)?
  19. S

    Ripe buds ?

    Thanx for the help eimer, but the problem is that the 14th I'm leaving town and don't have a chance to dry and cure after that day. So it all has to be finished by the 14th. The only question is if it's better to leave it to grow a little more and dry it in 5 days, or harvest a little early and...
  20. S

    Ripe buds ?

    Does it relly make a big difference yield wise?? I'm not shure if it's better to wait one more week and let them dry in 5 days or harvest in a cuple days giving it a fair ten days do dry and cure. Damn I don't know what to do!