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  1. Tokes_for_Blokes

    2nd grow attempt

  2. Tokes_for_Blokes

    2nd grow attempt

    Today I cut off the bottoms of the pots holding the random bag seed, and I filled 1 gallon pots with my soil mix and then set the pots right into each other, gorilla taping them together. Did this for fear of developing rootbound issues. Now I'm only hoping that I didn't over stress the plants...
  3. Tokes_for_Blokes

    2nd grow attempt

    An issue I had with my first attempt and an issue I'm having now, are tiny little black things flying around and crawling in the organic mix. From looking around online I think they could be fungus gnats. I've seen they can go away on their own if you just let the top couple inches completely...
  4. Tokes_for_Blokes

    2nd grow attempt

    No worries I actually appreciated the info you shared it gave me a little more knowledge about my own set up that I didn't know! And yea I don't have any fans on it at all so far
  5. Tokes_for_Blokes

    2nd grow attempt

    If I put my hand under it I can feel some warmth but nothing much more than that, but I haven't tried any other CFL system or in general even hps or led so I can't really compare
  6. Tokes_for_Blokes

    2nd grow attempt

    Alright so the day after my initial post, I topped my jacks. Two days later today, I've transplanted the jacks from the 1 gallon pots to my 5 gallon buckets. I saw somewhere about the proper times to transplant being from 1's to 3's and then 5's but I'm just skipping the 3's. Raised my lights...
  7. Tokes_for_Blokes

    Is this ruderalis?

    Shit so y'all are saying it was planted too early causing it to reveg now? The person taking care of it said he always plants them as early as he does and has never seen it start to flower like that until end of July, but he also isn't one who researches all the new information that's come out...
  8. Tokes_for_Blokes

    2nd grow attempt

    so I tried a grow once before, only with one plant and some cheap lighting equipment. After letting it veg for too long, it turned out male -_- So now I'm on my second attempt, two random bag seeds again, and 2 jack herers feminized. Didn't get my jacks in for a while and was tired of waiting...
  9. Tokes_for_Blokes

    Is this ruderalis?

    I actually just found something else online mentioning charteristics of ruderalis plants, one being that they're auto flowering. That could explain everything but still hoping for a pair of experienced eyes to give me some sort of confirmation or denial of my suspicions. Also saw that ruderalis...
  10. Tokes_for_Blokes

    Is this ruderalis?

    Hey folks, gave a seed to a friend who grows outdoors, the seed was ordered online by a friend, so idr if it is feminized or auto flowering but it may have been designed for indoor growing. The whole time the plant has been going (about 2 months now, could be slightly over or under) it has...
  11. Tokes_for_Blokes

    How do I "like" somebody's comment?

    Lol I now have the like button
  12. Tokes_for_Blokes

    How do I "like" somebody's comment?

    Thanks for the like, as of rn I still can't see a like button, I just emailed riu just to see if they have definitive answer
  13. Tokes_for_Blokes

    How do I "like" somebody's comment?

    I've been wondering the same thing, I googled the question and was brought to this forum lol. I am a new member too so I've been considering yalls theory. Another idea I came up with is maybe it makes a difference viewing the site on a phone vs desktop, I'm viewing it on my phone and never see...
  14. Tokes_for_Blokes

    Nutes and supercropping

    Hey guys, just wondering if I should or shouldn't give a plant I just super cropped some 20-20-20 fertilizer water or if I should wait a few days before giving it nutes
  15. Tokes_for_Blokes

    Super cropping

    hey guys, only had one grow before and I super cropped it a lot and was able to see its benefit, however when I flowered it then it turned out male and all my time was wasted. Now I've got 4 girls going, the first two random bag seed that had a couple weeks head start on the other two feminized...
  16. Tokes_for_Blokes

    Budded Early... Now showing Hermie signs?

    Got any links regarding the process of making shatter edibles?
  17. Tokes_for_Blokes

    Budded Early... Now showing Hermie signs?

    hey folks. Had a plant outside in a one gallon pot planted in March, after about 3 weeks it was starting to bud already, transplanted to ground at that point. By week 5 whole plant had budded up. Now however showing signs of hermie. bag seed was all that was used on this one. This plant has just...