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  1. C

    Should I be worried?

    I've got an issue here some fan leaves curling down and a red stem issue. I've been using fox farm trio and phd tap water at about half strength of what the soil schedule recommends. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance !!
  2. C

    Need help guys.. Once again.

    good idea i hope u have a carbon air filter for smell! good luck broski!
  3. C

    Need help guys.. Once again.

    Well, is the window facing a area that people will see? if not ply wood with a 6inch hole and maybe paint it so its not so noticeable lol good luck bro! i live in the woods so no prob with that
  4. C

    Need help guys.. Once again.

    Couldn't u just vent it out the roof or beside the window and add a dryer vent for looks outside? just a thought not sure if u have to use the window
  5. C

    My First Lst Grow!

    Just wanted to post these pics of my first lst grow, im open for any idea and suggestions... Thanks!! Setup- 400w hps, fox farm trio nutes, watering two-three times a week (phd tap water), Plain soil nearly no nutes, and i added egg shells because i thought i had a cal/mag issue, room size...
  6. C

    Male or Female??

    Need some advice! Thanks in advance!
  7. C

    Need Advice plz

    Will it be okay to have a 400w hps that is 21" by 23" x 7.5 in a tent 24x24x72 i think i may have just enough room to add the duct work? I guess my question is will it be okay for the duct work to touch one side? The other side has a power cord which keeps it about 2inchs from that side. Thanks
  8. C


    depends on how far the light is away from the plants i think
  9. C

    Leaves "clawing" and yellowing

    Try testing your ph if its too high it can cause nute lock out with is probly whats wrong, i see the red stems thats from either low temps or nute lock out im pretty sure, good luck bro
  10. C

    Is this flowering?

    Hate to bust your bubble but it looks like its a male, wait a few more weeks if u see small balls where the branches split then its a boy, and if u see hairs its a girl!! simple as can be, good luck bro
  11. C


    wow sticky that's pretty impressive, with those temps above 90 she sure does look good !!
  12. C


    From what i know they do droop some at night and perk up as soon they get light, hope this helps
  13. C

    Plant health declining

    lol buzzin i feel ya, i would do a total inside grow, you would be able to make sure the temp is where u want it, it just looks like a small nute burn to me,but i would hold off on nutes and water as regular and see if she bounces back. Good luck bro
  14. C

    Jane Problems

    Thank you for the guide, do u have any suggestions for lowering ph?
  15. C

    Jane Problems

    Having a small issue with some of the leaves turning yellow and alot of red stems, I was thinking its my ph so i tested it and it was around 7.6 which i've heard is too high,any advice or comments????? Here are a few pic's, Btw i have not fertilized her this time just pure organic soil. Thank...
  16. C

    I am having a little problem with my girls

    Looks like the same problem i was experiencing heat may be your issue, if the yellowing gets worse it could be because it needs some nutes, if u fertilize her make sure u use 1/4 of what they say. always start off slow with nutes
  17. C

    Plant Probs :(

    just click start new thread, and u should be able to attach pics etc. Also if u are having nute probs i use an app called the grow app check it out
  18. C

    Plant Probs :(

    Thanks everyone for the feed back, the set up is under 250w hps/mh and a few florescent 4ft bulbs, before i had them in a tent now i have moved them to a small room, with more ventilation. The temp before was reading 85 high and 69 low, and im using organic soil from walmart not sure how thats...
  19. C

    Plant Probs :(

    Having a issue with two babies i have, here are a few pics .... Any ideas?
  20. C

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Looks like over watering and nute burn, back off the water for a few days and see what she does