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  1. S

    First Grow!!!

    So Strawberry blue has popped and both money makers in the second picture have popped well. They've been put in soil and gonna get the T5s ready for veggin soon!
  2. S

    First Grow!!!

    Thanks for the replies. Ya i cant wait to try it out! I appreciate the link I'll take a peak at that also. The room is pretty much done already I'll post pics up probably tomorrow night after i get these ladies in the dirt. We were gifted two silver haze clones a couple weeks ago and they are...
  3. S

    First Grow!!!

    Hey all! Im new to this site this is my first post. I'm helping someone with their grow and the seeds we're growing just arrived today. we're growing Dinafem OG kush, Strain Hunter's money maker and the freebie i got World of seeds Strawberry Blue. I just started to germ them so I'll post up...