Search results

  1. mushywater

    drip irrigation

    i have had several promiseing grows off of a custom drip system. (i have pictures of the system under grow journals) and i have never had an problems alot of the local hydroponic store owners tell me its a very sufficent way to grow. so if there is a problem then i cant find it either.:leaf...
  2. mushywater

    drip system question

    check out my thread in grow journals for my custom drip system it sounds very similar to both of yours i water my plants 4 times a day evenly spaced for about 15 minutes. every system is differnt so you need to play it by ear. run your system for a set number of minutes and see if the cube is...
  3. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    what i have built here is my own custom drip system. it is a four foot by two foot planter that fits just perfectly in my closet. in the 10 gallon resevour (underneath) are 3 tubes 2 are for drainage that come from holes in each side of the planter, the other tube connects a water pump to a...
  4. mushywater

    custom drip system constructive criticism?

    what i have built here is my own custom drip system. it is a four foot by two foot planter that fits just perfectly in my closet. in the 10 gallon resevour (underneath) are 3 tubes 2 are for drainage that come from holes in each side of the planter, the other tube connects a water pump to a...
  5. mushywater

    bubblegum first grow hydroponics

    hi everyone, this is my secound grow first was in soil so i am a newb at hydro. my four bubblegums are under two flourescent grow lights that worked for me in the past. the little one are about 2 1/2 weeks old. i was hoping to get some tips from you guys on a few things since we are all growing...