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  1. Burn&earn

    AAMRTS A must see tea recipe!

    thanks for the reply grease monkey. I appriciate the honesty on you not having personal proof on your opinion of this tea when it comes to microscopes.. I've read this organic forum for hours, and I know some have said the same as you, and some disagree. I still know little about organics...
  2. Burn&earn

    AAMRTS A must see tea recipe!

    I should clarify; this is my first attempt at organic growing. A well known grower, who also works at the hydro shop I got this recipe from, is the source of this recipe. His coworker gave it to me. He said they all use it, and he said it works wonders. He also told me most of them use the...
  3. Burn&earn

    AAMRTS A must see tea recipe!

    Does this recipe bother any of those anti- bottle guys out there?
  4. Burn&earn

    Is my tea supposed to foam up?

    I was given this recipe from my local nor cal hydro shop, and it works GREAT every season. This recipe is a one stop shop! I use this outdoor in roots organic 707 straight out of the bag. 5 GAL. PURE WATER TEA* Filter bag (optional). Water pump (optional). Water heater (optional). Add 4...
  5. Burn&earn

    AAMRTS A must see tea recipe!

    AAMRTS Actively Aerated Microbal Rich Tea Solution I was given this recipe from my local nor cal hydro shop, and it works GREAT every season. This recipe is a one stop shop! I use this outdoor in roots organic 707 straight out of the bag. 5 GAL. PURE WATER* Filter bag (optional). Water pump...
  6. Burn&earn

    Best way to dechlorinate water?

    Where can I buy cheap and affective air pump and air stones?
  7. Burn&earn

    Best way to dechlorinate water?

    ok thanks I guess I'll just buy a 50 gal trash can and use that weekly
  8. Burn&earn

    Best way to dechlorinate water?

    what is the best way to do this? I heard vitamin c works but will it harm the bacterial growth in teas? Are there any cheap carbon filters out there? I only have 6 outdoor plants so I'm guessing I'll need around 50 gal a week?
  9. Burn&earn

    New to organic growing need advice

    Sorry guys I figured it out but I'm not sure how to delete this post
  10. Burn&earn

    Sac County Growers

    That's what I thought... bummer
  11. Burn&earn

    First time cloning, are they dying?

    It would also help if you put a ziplock bag over them to help keep up the humidity and prevent them from drying out while you're at work. I just rooted four chemdawgs with no cloning gel in happy frog soil it took about 20 days.
  12. Burn&earn

    Help With Seedling Pics Included

    It's albino!
  13. Burn&earn

    Sac County Growers

    Anyone have info on current laws for 2015 sac county? I have a buddy that was growing in north highlands last year (outdoor) and the cops came and pulled all his plants! Luckily for him he didn't get cited or in any type of trouble but got a strong warning not to do it again. He had around 30...