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  1. B

    Noob Grow! your advice is much needed

    oooh k and the veg stage last how long on average? lol thought that mattare was some kind special term dealing with herb lol thanks for the help
  2. B

    Just started out

    thanks for the reply i heard that miracle grow nutes release at the wrong time our something along the lines of that. thanks again
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    Noob Grow! your advice is much needed

    i also wanted to now how long it would take for my plants to start budding?
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    Noob Grow! your advice is much needed

    mattare, what is that?
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    Noob Grow! your advice is much needed

    Its now week 2 of the plants life. my friend calls me and tells me someone or thing chopped the leaves off the plant i was wondering if they would stay alive after that, i really doubt it but maybe someone here has experienced this and would know for sure. i put some seeds to Germ this...
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    Noob Grow! your advice is much needed

    ok kool but at what height should i move em into the 5 gallon?
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    Noob Grow! your advice is much needed

    thanks for the info. The plants are actually an outdoor grow, 12/12 light. Found it a good spot in my friends front yard lots of light. The Plants are in a 12oz plastic cups for now, what height should i put the plants into bigger pots?
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    Noob Grow! your advice is much needed

    I just Planted my first seeds a few days ago. i left them germinating a little too long when i check back some of my plants had the first set of leaves but they were a little on the pale side. Due too money problems, the first soil they were planted in was normal top soil that i stole from a...
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    Just started out

    when ppl talk about nute formulas i always see three diffrent digits like"5-0-18" what does tha mean?
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    Just started out

    ohk so i would have to cut holes into the bottom of these plastic cups? the soil i should plant in, what brand would you recommend?
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    Just started out

    ohk, some of my seeds have germinated and some have yet too. they been germin' for about 3 days now some newb questions now how long can i leave seeds germinating? i was planning to plant them in a plastic cup or a pot if i could scrap together the money. what soil would you recommend i...
  12. B

    Is it possible

    another noob question do Females produce seed in the bud when it is not pollinated
  13. B

    Is it possible

    Ohk, well i had some seeds that took out of my bud a week ago is it possible to start a tree from that?:confused: