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  1. J

    Triple threat

    Ok, i also have nematodes that im putting in my soil, fungus Nat prob. The person i got my cuts from was dirty and i was a first time grower.
  2. J

    Triple threat

    4x4 in my bathroom
  3. J

    Triple threat

    so I order some predator nematodes from amazon and the told me it would be here on weds. But it showed up yesterday and sat in the mail box for six hours. And I live in Phx,Az. Do you think there alive or fried????
  4. J

    nut burn maybe?

    I'm gonna cut back for sure, only one out of my six are having those issues. I'm still in process of loading a pic. Besides that issues defintetly would like some feed back on my first grow so please take another look at my thread in a couple of hours, I should have pics uploaded by than. Thanks
  5. J

    nut burn maybe?

    Im trying to upload pics now my PC has Alzheimer s
  6. J

    nut burn maybe?

    Can't upload from a cell?
  7. J

    nut burn maybe?

    How do you upload a pic, im new to rollitup.
  8. J

    nut burn i think

    I have a pic but don't know how to upload.
  9. J

    nut burn i think

    With this particular plant i messed up feming it. I snipped it in the wrong place and made the right cut the second time. I flowered it a week later. Was that two early or could the mistake have caused that problem? Thanks
  10. J

    nut burn i think

    I have a plant that's leaves are curling up and the tips are brown. What's the problem???
  11. J

    nut burn maybe?

    I have a plant that's leaves are curling up and turning brown at the tips. Can someone please help me determine the problem and correct it. Thanks