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  1. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    now at 28 days in these photo's how she looking , COMMENTS PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!
  2. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    yeh thanks but not really fussed bout the smell the people who i live with know i smoke the good stuff. aslong as they cant see it , we're all good will have an update tonight or tommorpw see how things go
  3. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    Yeh i done that with a pc fan aswell lol good luck with the speech and shit !!! day 25 : she starting to stink !!!!!!!!
  4. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    yeah she should be ok i say doesnt seem to of got any worse day 23
  5. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    update day 22 looking good tips of a few leafs got burnt so i moved the lights up a tad. any comments ??????????
  6. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    get a fan on them just enough to wobble them about a little bit they need wind to beef up the stem. use a pc fan or something simiar
  7. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    yeh thats all good while they are vegging u can bump it up a bit when they get well established
  8. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    thanks floorboy , all i can say that would of helped me is watch those temps
  9. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    AMS = anti mold system it a plant thats has very high chances in living outdoors in the uk lol= laugh out loud
  10. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    the weathers shit here aswell and since i ride bmx its real bad. i wanna do a guerilla grow next year planning on doing like 30 AMS lol see what happens
  11. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    yeh i wil do i did have a ak lyrd fem seed but she didnt make it:(
  12. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    in action at 18 days
  13. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    yeh i lowerd them on friday also i transplanted her cause she was getting root bound so fingers crossed
  14. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    yeh thanks man
  15. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    how come 80 odd people looked but no posts ?????????????????
  16. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    i have noticed a few white hairs already is this ok ? And will still to continue to get bigger ? if any one can help ,, thanks
  17. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    today i went and checked her she was drooping a fair bit and soil was pretty dry so i waterd her enough , checked a few hours later , THINGS ARE GOOD :-P
  18. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    yeh i will lower the lights cheers ,, is it ok to be using on 6500 k and 7500k bulbs before flowering ???
  19. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    thanks :hug: i will keep updated as she grows
  20. growboi

    Stealth auto white russian CFl grow

    hi this is my fist grow just ineed of opions & advice please. just doing it for fun really and to say ive done it, if i can get growing down hopefully get some crops going:hump::hump::hump: her she is at 16 days any good or not ??? good and bad commets welcome.