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  1. Wild_peachyy

    First indoor grow

    Oh yeah I know I definitely over watered. I’m going to wait a few days for sure or until the soil is dry.
  2. Wild_peachyy

    First indoor grow

    Hey guys so I decided to order seeds online and attempt my first indoor grow. I have two ufo#1s and one feminized white widow. Any tips or advice is appreciated! Also my light isn’t the best just a bar led light but I plan to upgrade with high pressure sodium and metal halide. I started...
  3. Wild_peachyy

    Will my plants live?

    Thank y’all, hopefully all will be fine, guess it’s just a waiting game for now.
  4. Wild_peachyy

    Will my plants live?

    Okay so I planted 8 germinated seeds a week ago, well I still didn’t see any signs of life so I finally decided to dig around in the soil, which uncovered 4 that had sprouted their first set of leaves. So I turned them the right way as they were all growing downwards, will they live after being...