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  1. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    PS: After harvesting this one probably, im plan on painting the bucket black and get some 2 or 3 more to fill the grow room and then start 3\4 plants with nice feminized seeds and already with the HPS :) Just gotta save some cash! But until harvesting these bitches there will be plenty of time...
  2. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    Sort off HD Pics!
  3. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    BTW im gonna raise the little ones and reposition the lights in order to give them as close to the same light as possible, acording to their needs obviously, but lights are off now :)
  4. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    Thaks! :DCheers
  5. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    Thanks! Glad to hear :D Yeah man never thought about that ahah :D But guess what, i just chaged it :P Check this out: Some shopping! The fans are not defenitive in that position :D HD Pics in about 6 hours! Cheers :D
  6. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    Great News Guys, the plant finally gained some more height was almost hitting the lights ! :D Pics follow: Roots look good i think :blsmoke: Look at the size of this leaf! 1 month and 1 week, for a bagseed @ first grow at cfl, im pretty happy :mrgreen...
  7. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    Weekend @ parents house so no updates until sunday:roll: Lets hope nothing bad happens! Lifted the lights, in case she grows upwards, to prevent light burns. Have a nice 420 everyone!
  8. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    Some higher res pics :leaf:
  9. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    Hi! I look forward to buy some feminized seeds, want to try white widow, skunk #1, afghan skunk etc eheh. Also planing on getting a 250\400W HPS Kit... she would def. love it :D Some updates to the grow room :D high gives us creativity, check that out: Added some fans...
  10. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    Thanks a lot man! Really, all the support is welcome! :joint:Cheers!
  11. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    Just started LST'ing for the first time :D
  12. G

    Guga's First Decent Grow - DWC - CFL

    Hi guys, this is my first proper grow, tried growing in soil but the soil was garbage and ruined my plants. So i started with DWC. Specs: 70cm x 60cm x 170cm fabric closet with tubular structure, covered in white. 10L Container (drilled suposedly to withstand 6plants, but i regreted it and...