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  1. RiddSon

    Autos and photos in same tent?

    My three autos are gonna be finishing up soon and i plan on starting my next grow of photos in the same tent. I want to start them in the small pots then transplant to 6 gallons when the autos are gone. I figured if i use domes to keep the RH high on seedlings they would be fine for a few weeks...
  2. RiddSon

    Need help selecting nutrients!

    Thanks for the advice i really appreciate it. Iv only done a few grow and i’m still very young but it’s peoples like you that make me love growing and keep the growing community strong. Keep helping people bro!
  3. RiddSon

    Need help selecting nutrients!

    Starting my next grow indoors i’m gonna be using fox farm ocean forest. I know ffof is pretty high with veg nutrients and iv heard some people are good without feeding until flower. Is this possible and if so what nutrients would you recommend i use in flower? I know every plant is different and...
  4. RiddSon

    How much longer??

    still got at least a few weeks
  5. RiddSon

    Need advice on auto stains

    ok what photos would you recommend, i want some bigger plants and im aiming for yield.
  6. RiddSon

    Need advice on auto stains

    i was thinking about this but won’t a photo still grow slower?
  7. RiddSon

    Need advice on auto stains

    iv heard good things about them but i’m not sure exactly how the drops work. Do they rerelease there old stains on drop days or different strains every time?
  8. RiddSon

    Need advice on auto stains

    I definitely plan to do photos indoor sometime but iv done 4 grows outdoorsand want to switch it up. I also have a smaller grower area and don’t want to wait so long for photos.
  9. RiddSon

    Need advice on auto stains

    I’m still kinda new to growing iv done a few grows outdoor and i’m almost done with my first autos. They flowered really quick and didn’t put on much size before flower. I’m looking for a high yielding auto flower strain. I need a stain that will veg a little bit longer and put on more size...
  10. RiddSon

    Having issues with first autos

  11. RiddSon

    Having issues with first autos

  12. RiddSon

    Having issues with first autos

    i started in solo cups in same soil it’s ocean forest, i only used half the recommended amount for first couple feedings then switched to full amount, lights about 20 inches away and adjustable. atm the RH is 38% temp is 79, if closed all day it can reach 85.
  13. RiddSon

    Having issues with first autos

  14. RiddSon

    Having issues with first autos

    There all in fox farm soil i water 2-3 times a week or when soil is dry and iv been using Advanced Nutrients 3 part fertilizer every few warnings. there on 18/6 light schedule. only 320 watt light.
  15. RiddSon

    Having issues with first autos

    Yah temps have been kinda high in 80s sometimes but i’m definitely looking into organic for my next grow
  16. RiddSon

    Having issues with first autos

    These girls are my first autos in about week 6. They have some yellowing leaves and curling/burnt tips. Is this from over feeding or something else?
  17. RiddSon

    Having issues with my first autos!

    There girls are about 5-6 weeks old. My first time growing autos and i’m noticing some discoloration/yellowing leaves and rust spots. Anyone know if this is a deficiency or from over feeding?
  18. RiddSon

    Discoloration on leaves. Need help diagnosing the issue

    My girls are about 6 weeks old there all female gg from seeds. They have had no issues until now just starting on the smallest one. There’s a slight discoloration on the new growth of a top, turninng yellow. I think it’s a nutrient deficiency because I haven’t been able to feed them the last few...
  19. RiddSon

    My Girls have a issue please help

    There outdoor I used fox farm soil mixed with a little bit of organic soil. Iv only done two feeding so far with advanced nutrients 3 part nutrients. There GG from ILGM. And i ph my water but they have been getting a lot of rain water lately. Temps change regularly on the east coast from 60-90...