Search results

  1. Chronitron

    Willow Tree Water

    So I was searching around the different websites and came across this bit of information. Willow Tree Water: Find a live willow tree with new growth on it. Cut off some of this year's branches that has an inch diameter and remove the leaves. Cut the branch into 1 1/2 inch segments and stand...
  2. Chronitron

    My new grow area

    That's great. Is that a black light? What are the dimensions?
  3. Chronitron

    is it a damn male?

    I don't know. There isn't anything to look at.
  4. Chronitron

    200 plants. 10'x10 room. 2 lb every 2 weeks.

    it's a message board to be used for entertainment. i was trying to entertain myself and hopefully others with trying to figure it out. some people don't know and some threads get pushed down in rotation. that's all. :)
  5. Chronitron

    200 plants. 10'x10 room. 2 lb every 2 weeks.

    yeah. i remember back in '52. we busted this 400 acre op. oh man. i think they had like 30 pounds. what a dumb fuck.
  6. Chronitron

    200 plants. 10'x10 room. 2 lb every 2 weeks.

    i was just telling you how to get 200 in a room. to vent you need 25 ft of 8 inch insulated duct. you will have a window in the room with a board over the inside of it. on the outside of the board is a hepa filter. you have 5 8 inch holes cut into this board, 4 for the duct, 1 for room...
  7. Chronitron

    200 plants. 10'x10 room. 2 lb every 2 weeks.

    sorry to make y'all think i was a cop. too funny.
  8. Chronitron

    200 plants. 10'x10 room. 2 lb every 2 weeks.

    ok here you go... in a 10' x 10' room make 4 beds that are 4 feet wide, 8 feet long, 1 foot deep. Set these up like bunk beds with 42 inches from the top of the bottom bunk to the bottom of the top bunk. You will need 8 600 watt lights. Each bed fits 50 plants. You must do a Scrog with...
  9. Chronitron Chat Room!

    wow ok. sorry to make you guys all upset. i mean here's me if you really want to know -
  10. Chronitron Chat Room!

    Hello everyone. I'm new here but I have a vault of information in my brain. I can set up a room in any size space for you and help you out in most areas of growing. I don't know much about aero so that's my only weakness. If anyone has any problems that they want to talk about in live time, hit...
  11. Chronitron

    200 plants. 10'x10 room. 2 lb every 2 weeks.

    I'll send out a hemp necklace, grinder and something else special if anyone can tell me how you do this. I know how. I want to see if anyone can tell me how I do it before I tell you all. Again. Tell me how to put 200 plants in a 10'x10' room and harvest 2 pounds every two weeks.
  12. Chronitron

    Clay Pellets Question

    nope. not a drip system. ill post pictures when i make it. i have a hard time describing things, better time showing.
  13. Chronitron

    Clay Pellets Question

    it will be one 5 gallon bucket. there will be a hole drilled into the bottom of the wall and have a hose attached leading to another 5 gallon bucket with a lid on it. in this bucket there will be a sub-pump and an air pump. This will be just a one plant ebb and flow through a 5 gallon bucket. It...
  14. Chronitron

    Clay Pellets Question

    Okay. I figured it out. At first I was planning on using a 10 gallon plastic pot with the holes in the bottom. Now I am going to be using a 5 gallon bucket without any holes in it. I might end up attaching a drain from it to create sort of a bucket ebb and flow. ***I just got an idea for a...
  15. Chronitron

    Clay Pellets Question

    I've done Hydro before, but what I want to know is this. If I were to fill an entire 10 gallon pot with Clay Pellets, would I be able to keep the plant with water and nutrients in the pot and still be able to grow the size plant I'm used to? Any tips or comments or suggestions definitely...
  16. Chronitron

    Looking for an Advice Column

    Hello, I'm looking for someone to write for and be Planet Chronitron's on site grow guide. If you're interested please contact us at [email protected] Thanks. Obi 1 :joint::joint: Planet Chronitron