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  1. MelanieLovesCookies

    Weird mutated plant???

    That looks insane!:weed: Do you have pics of your grows from your beans?
  2. MelanieLovesCookies

    Weird mutated plant???

    That’s interesting, never thought seed banks would be slinging beans this bad!
  3. MelanieLovesCookies

    Weird mutated plant???

    Yeah, my other plants all look fine, this one was the only one that looked weird, and like I mentioned the other two seeds from the same seed bank did not even germinate
  4. MelanieLovesCookies

    Weird mutated plant???

    Any other thoughts y’all?
  5. MelanieLovesCookies

    Weird mutated plant???

    I already have other plants doing fine, just curious what’s wrong with this one.
  6. MelanieLovesCookies

    Weird mutated plant???

    Yes you guessed correctly! Stem was thin and i did use a fan to strengthen it
  7. MelanieLovesCookies

    Weird mutated plant???

    I have 9 other plants that look fine that more or less were watered the same, i sensed there is something else wrong with this!
  8. MelanieLovesCookies

    Weird mutated plant???

    Hi everyone, i had three beans that appear to be from a weak seed bank, two of the seeds were duds, and one popped but it has grown the weirdest looking plant ever! Have any of you ever seen anything like this? Is there any point continuing to grow this thing?
  9. MelanieLovesCookies

    Could somebody please breakdown the different periods for the stages of growth?

    Thanks for that tip, I purposely grew 10 simultaneously so that i can keep tabs of growth on each and not be majorly setback if one or two or more (hopefully less than 10!) go wrong.
  10. MelanieLovesCookies

    Could somebody please breakdown the different periods for the stages of growth?

    Got it,! So you normally don’t go beyond 6 weeks at veg? Thanks!
  11. MelanieLovesCookies

    Could somebody please breakdown the different periods for the stages of growth?

    What would be the approximate period to reach sexual maturity?
  12. MelanieLovesCookies

    Could somebody please breakdown the different periods for the stages of growth?

    Is there a minimum period from when the seed sprouts to keep it in s vegetation before it can be forced into floweeing?
  13. MelanieLovesCookies

    Could somebody please breakdown the different periods for the stages of growth?

    Thank you all for the information, I will respond to the posts after I can read in detail, but it seems even here there is no consensus on certain information!
  14. MelanieLovesCookies

    Could somebody please breakdown the different periods for the stages of growth?

    I am confused mainly about when does the plant count as a seedling or vegetative. I’ve seen some refer to vegetative as soon as the germinated seed is planted, others after the cotelydons have grown for a few weeks. my main query is after the seed has been put into a solo cup, around how many...
  15. MelanieLovesCookies

    USPS Tracking WAS working...then "Item Not Found"

    I have had my shipments randomly “disappear “ on Fedex before, I am afraid it has nothing to do with your order but more just their glitchy system.
  16. MelanieLovesCookies

    First time grower

    Hi everyone! This forum looks awesome! Really love the energy here. I am a first time grower, I have learned so much in the past from reading on here and thought it was time I posted here too! Let me apologize in advance for the newb questions that may come your way :oops:!!! looking forward to...