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  1. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Carbon Filter!

    What? :confused:
  2. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Light Spacing Questions

    Ya 6 plants in a 4x4 is pretty tight...
  3. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Carbon Filter!

    So you spend about $400ish every 12ish months on flower room more when you have to replace the veg room filter...That seems like it could add up. lol What if you could get a product that extended the life of a carbon filter up to 200% (possibly beyond), that would not only...
  4. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Light Spacing Questions

    What? :confused:
  5. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Light Spacing Questions

    Yes a plant can be "conditioned" to sit closer to a hot 1000w hps, and I would assume it would not be too great for the plant, but what i am talking about is not "conditioning" in anyway...I'm talking about being able to put your light closer to the plant with NO heat and NO stress...the plant...
  6. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Odor Control Questions

    The problem with just masking the smell is just that, it only masks, it does not trap or destroy like other odor control technology. Depending on your situation, that might cost you in the end, because although the human nose cant discern the scent under the mask, a K9 nose can and will...that's...
  7. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Light Spacing Questions

    Do you think lower yields in association with closer lights could be related to heat-stress, burning, or any other heat related issues...or purely a light spread issue? It is brutally obvious. I'm basically asking a loaded question, which i know the answer to, but asking it none the less to...
  8. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Odor Control Questions

    Well said. How long do you typically run a carbon filter for before you replace it?
  9. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Light Spacing Questions

    As was stated above, cooltubes are terrible at spreading light as is, so naturally, if you move it closer it will lose even more coverage...but if you had a hood that spread light evenly and well, you would see better results with it closer to the plants.
  10. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Light Spacing Questions

    I agree...but even with a large garden, if you have the proper amount of lights properly spaced, loss of coverage should be minimal if any.
  11. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Light Spacing Questions

    Obviously sitting the light right on top of the plants, touching the top, would reduce coverage, but say if you could get a 1000w with a large, quality air-cooled hood within 2-3", without burning or inducing heat stress, you would get good coverage, great penetration, and amazing...
  12. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Light Spacing Questions

    If you have your space properly laid out with the proper amount of lights and good hoods, the loss of light spread by lowering the light a few inches should be minimal if anything.,,plus by lowering the light you get greater intensity to the plants, more penetration through the canopy and other...
  13. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Light Spacing Questions

    Thanks for the info KK. When you say "Hoods trap heat above the canopy vented or not", is that because the glass panel lets heat pass through? So if you had a glass panel that reflected heat, while letting the whole spectrum pass through, you could move the light closer to the plants and improve...
  14. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Light Spacing Questions

    Bump! :blsmoke:
  15. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Carbon Filter!

    Unless you are planning to have an A/C unit, you are going to have to have an air intake and exhaust, and in that case you would have to rout the exhaust through a carbon filter. I would definitely go with air-cooled lights tho as temps in your room will be high without them.
  16. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Odor Control Questions

    ^Also a true story. A prime example is nutrients. Advanced nutrients and all of their additives cost an arm and a leg, and dont get me wrong they work, but people have had comparable if not better results with Dyna-Gro which is 1/3 of the price. That being said, I feel when it comes to things...
  17. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Carbon Filter!

    For sure. Toke n Talk is the one place I haven't really dove into head first (except the Glass House, been all over that one), but i appreciate you stopping by. :mrgreen:
  18. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Odor Control Questions

    ^True Story. Some filters are definitely better than others and when it comes to protecting your harvest (and yourself depending on the situation) I wouldn't skimp to save a few bucks.
  19. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Carbon Filter!

    Exactly what i was talking about, except someone here did a write-up on it. lol
  20. GorrillaPanic SNP

    Carbon Filter!

    Nice man that's awesome. I'm looking to get my first setup very soon, just need to keep saving the $$. You are picking it up really quick for only 2 months. I assume you read through FDD2BLK's glass thread since you are contributing to his "Vacation" fund...have you read through ResearchKitty's...