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  1. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    just purchased off ebay!.. ill post photos when its set up
  2. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    this site is so helpful! i changed the lights round.. thanks for that.. im gunner get a 150w soon i think.. 20w just isnt enough i guess lol and the 'feeding' seems to have done the trick, so far all looks a lot better.. i think?! thanks for all the help
  3. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    so whats meant to happen? does the yellow just fade to green? no change yet..
  4. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    oh yeah i guess you are haha but what if it makes the soil too acidic? or acidic too fast? PH fluctuation? lol see i remember what you teach me!
  5. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    yeah that helps a lot.. but are you saying it IS ok to use the Miracid? cheers
  6. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    this is what i have- see photos.. 20-30-10 & (Mg) 225mg/kg i also have some Miracid soil acidifier plant food, bright blue stuff.. thanks again!
  7. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    yo im back! flushed it like you said i should.. used 4 times the amount of water to soil.. PH was probably a bit too high, usedd vinegar to lower it but i dont think i used enough. and was vinegar a good idea? lol plants look a bit worse after flushing- more yellowing but one of them had a...
  8. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    well seems like everything going alright.. apart from what seems to be fertilizer burns on one of the plants.. maybe PH? (i dont have the means to test it) but then again looks like the other two are doing alright.. strung up the HPS do you reckon its too close? (its 400w) ALSO is it alright...
  9. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    i'm sorry, i couldn't tell you how big the pots were.. they're definatly not huge though.. im sure they will be just about fine. i cant be arsed to spend anymore on them to be honest as i have no money and also my parents found them in my cupboard and want me to give them away not because its...
  10. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    i swear it is a hobby isnt it! and yeah thats what i meant about the flowering.. i took your advice and went down to the garden center. bought perlite and 3 pots, i think they're big enough.. heres a few photos..
  11. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    i meant 'nutter' as in you know everything to know lol- you probably knew that.. about the police, im just not going to not think about it- works well with things like this lol no one seems to have been busted from using this site and by leave it i meant not touching the buds just left them on...
  12. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    also what would happen if you flowered the plant but left it.. would the buds just fall off?
  13. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    DannyGreenEyes your a bit of a nut at this growing malarkey. ill bare what you said in mind.. And about doing this grow properly- im moving house in a couple of months so im not putting a lot of effort into it.. just using it for experience for future when i grow in my new digs.. and for fun...
  14. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    forgot to attach..
  15. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    duly noted.. i've stopped feeding.. about Foxfarm- do you know if you can buy in england? im gunner go up to this garden store and see what i can find soon anyway. silly question.. whats a cola? and also here a a couple of photos i just took, should i re-pot? you can see the roots coming out...
  16. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    Sweet so I'll whack the emergency blanket back up.. it worked a lot better than my sketchbooks The droopy leaves seem to have sorted them selves out, the underwatering or overwatering thing makes sense- nice one. and nope, i dont have anything else in the soil, its just dirt and...
  17. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    i forgot to say one of the plants has gone a bit droopy.. is there anything i can do for this?
  18. sebbay


  19. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    Thanks for the heads up on the aluminum foil.. its actually one of those emergency blankets that keep you nice and warm, but i guess it works the same way. Actually its a lot more reflective than foil so I'll change that. I'll also mix the compost with some regular soil.. Here are a few more...