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    What Are You Listening To?

    best response yet! lmfao!!!
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    So i noticed some white powdery substance on leaves.

    scrap them bro... if you used real pesticide... then you are done... you dont want that in your system. it's hard to get rid of things, as it sounds like you have put a lot of work into your kids. honestly though, i would make sure your room is clean and you are clean when handeling the kids...
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    what deficiency is this?

    silly question, but have you checked for bugs? how clean is the room? water should be around 180-220 ppm with out any fert. you should look into a cal-nit. additive... other than that, how long have you been at it? you might want to consider switching to organic mediums and fert. it will...
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    what deficiency is this? do you have one of these? if so, what is the ppm of your nut? what is the calcium nitrate ppm of just your water? what kind of nutr. are you using? what type of light are you using?
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    what deficiency is this?

    what is your growing medium? what is the pH of your water?