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  1. D

    nirvanna wonder women and ak 48

    how much yeild per plant thanx
  2. D

    nirvanna wonder women and ak 48

    has anybody grown wonder women and ak 48 what can u expect from a yeild as to each plant
  3. D

    nirvanna customer service was good

    i am satisfied unitl the plants grow if the plants are nice i will buy more the customer service was good i read alot of horror stories but i did not happen to me i would buy from them agian
  4. D

    nirvanna a good company

    okay i ordererd from nirvanna and they sent me the shipment some seeds were crushed and alice sent me another recently this company is good i will write about their genetics soon
  5. D

    is nirvana really being monitured or sum stupid shit?

    well i got from nirvanna to the states and they were great i got my shipment in like seven days the seeds were crushed some but nirvanna alice service was fast and sent me more i am a really satisfied buyer