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  1. gpat420

    nutrient burning buds

    Yeah I hear alot of people gettin caught up cause of there blatant Flushing LOl jk man but for real whats up are they for some reason in pots with no drain holes or somethin ??
  2. gpat420

    How does Wednesday sound for chopping? pics!

    Yeah thats got atleast another 3 weeks IMO ... Also Ease up a little on the nutes ? your fan leaves are like Fried off ? but good job none the less your close now just be patient ! :)
  3. gpat420

    Is She Ready?

    Idk man im No expert but i would let that girl go another 3-4 weeks... Just my opinion lookin great though !
  4. gpat420

    Afghan Kush And GDP in Hydro

    DaMn man that looks really good I hope mine come ot similar what kinda light and nutes
  5. gpat420

    im almost done with my kush nice high res pics

    Lookin REaaally good man what kinda light you usin ?
  6. gpat420

    Afghan Kush And GDP in Hydro

    Ha becouse we threw the 4- 6 inch clones straight in to 12/ 12 lighting after only 4 or 5 days of 18/6 which is probably why there so small but agian just wait till iget pics of the rest up there alot bigger + nicer and did you get any purple color of ur Afgahns ?? i heave heard some carry the...
  7. gpat420

    White Widow Harvest

    Aww I think Chito is A tough Critic :) I mean unless ur using some kinda photography Cam Pics hardly do justice ... Plus that fat cola next to the fox farm nutes still looks wet? a good dry and cure will defanitly get you that snowcoat of crystals seeing how much of the plant matter shrinks...
  8. gpat420

    Afghan Kush And GDP in Hydro

    Ha suuuper nuteburnt? lol ouch but na this is my first time hydro and some of the strains were a lil sensative to the full strength sensi bloom nutes Nonetheless lesson learned and def will not happen next time around :) no knock to the sensi nutes though they seem to be doin there job :)
  9. gpat420

    Afghan Kush And GDP in Hydro

    Hah I feel Ya man Im just tired of cheifen on last years outdoor already ! lol i started way to late this year Hence the half SOG half Perpetual Catastrophe i got goin on lol but all in all im pretty hopeful it is lookin dank after all :)
  10. gpat420

    Afghan Kush And GDP in Hydro

    This is the same lil Runt GDP This pic Still does not do justice though This is the afghan maybe 3 or so weeks ago will get a ton more pics up this evening Let me know what you think thanks !
  11. gpat420

    Afghan Kush And GDP in Hydro

    Alright sorry everyone i def did Noob it as far as information. First three pics i posted were our runts of the batch Which is why i wanted soem help :) i will get some glory shots of the rest tonight when the lights come on. Ha and to be completley Honest i did not Veg for more than 4 0r 5 days...
  12. gpat420

    Afghan Kush And GDP in Hydro

    Started 12/12 on jan 1 what do you guys think ? i think my lil GDPS have like a week or so left before chop and not to sure on the Afghans ill get more pics up asap All feedback is appreciated thanks !
  13. gpat420

    Liquid Karma = Liquid Death?

    Na it was a legit little plastic jug shaped bottle ... Perhaps it was the genetics i was using at the time but i have not intention of giving it a round 2 lol
  14. gpat420

    Liquid Karma = Liquid Death?

    I purchased AN sensi bloom series down at my local hydro shop and was given a sample of this liquid karma. Long story short i applied a very low concentrated watering to one of my 6 blackberry kuch clones and within days noticed my leaves beggegning to burn... I flushed Asap within 2 weeks went...
  15. gpat420

    haha alright man top left hand corner of the page ur gonna see " FORUMS SHOP MARKET "...

    haha alright man top left hand corner of the page ur gonna see " FORUMS SHOP MARKET " click on "FORUMS" . From there you can basically just follow the links to what interests you . I enjoy looking at the "GROW JOURNALS" forum cuz it shows from seed to bud.
  16. gpat420

    Robot Ninja's 2nd Grow - Blackberry Kush (600w/Aeroponic/SCRoG)

    Wow i actually have a blackberry kush mother and 4 clones from it in veg as we speak ... im a little concerned about the yeild now after seeing yours .. im from cen cal what do you think the odds of our genetics being similar are? ? i would assume pretty close.. ill try to get pics up asap
  17. gpat420

    How Long before clones begin new growth ?

    Oh wow weeks ? and no im not misting them with water They seem healthy enough they have been transplanted fro about 4 days now just seem to be at a standstill. They are just in the hydro tub under a 250 hps
  18. gpat420

    How Long before clones begin new growth ?

    I took 4 clones off my Blackberry mother and placed them in a hydro system about three days ago using only a very light dose of rooting hormone with PH'd Tap Water . Either growth is extremely slow or just stopped altoghether... I know there is a stun period when taking cuttings does any one...
  19. gpat420

    Please help!! First patient!!

    How old are your plants ? sounds like a nutrient deffeciency however its hard to say without pics :?