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  1. SmokeyLuciano

    Let's get GROWING!!!

    I have my light about 2 feet away temps are rather high for my liking at 82-84.. But there's nothing I can really do about it given that I'm renting the house and working of lil funds so I can't get ac unit.. I jus have a Window modle and I don't think it will do the job. . The room is self is...
  2. SmokeyLuciano

    Let's get GROWING!!!

    I wanted to upload these last night by the pix I took were to large and didn't feel like filling with it. . I know I made the soil a lil hot when I added the epsom salt to it. . Got a lil to heavy handed .. Jus need a lil in put on how to correct them
  3. SmokeyLuciano

    Let's get GROWING!!!

    Got a lil problem. . Not sure exactly wht def this is here. . Updated pix of the plants aswell
  4. SmokeyLuciano

    First tent grow 400 watt HPS biodiesel mass and skunk mass grow.
  5. SmokeyLuciano

    Let's get GROWING!!!

    Been a lil while since I posted.. There all growing good jus my auto is growing a lil slow. Made the soil a lil hot by adding epsom salt but they are doing good now. I've stayed them off with there veg nutes at 1/4 strength and some are showing sings of them wanting a stronger dose so they'll...
  6. SmokeyLuciano

    First tent grow 400 watt HPS biodiesel mass and skunk mass grow.

    Yea I stayed one but no one ever said anything. . I need to update it lol
  7. SmokeyLuciano

    First tent grow 400 watt HPS biodiesel mass and skunk mass grow.

    There coming along nicely. . Did your auto stay off slow??Mine is, compared to the other Seeds i germed with it
  8. SmokeyLuciano

    Attitude order confiscated

    Told me the same thing. .I ended up getting them
  9. SmokeyLuciano

    They got me. .. :(

    I was so mad that I gave the cup to my dad
  10. SmokeyLuciano

    They got me. .. :(

    Yea wht strains lol
  11. SmokeyLuciano

    They got me. .. :(

    Fuckken right glad for ya man. . Sounds like the way mine came when they reshipped mine out. . Got me thinking the simple way was the easy way but hey as long as you got it. .. Now get to growing lol
  12. SmokeyLuciano

    They got me. .. :(

    Yup no letter jus green tape.. The reship sent and came with no problem (that I know of) and it came jus say a while and had me on edge thinking the worst
  13. SmokeyLuciano

    First tent grow 400 watt HPS biodiesel mass and skunk mass grow.

    I wanna know that answers aswell lol but I think they will be hermi Seeds that will be produced. . I'm still in the boring stages of the grow, seedlings lol.. Can't wait to see yours flower
  14. SmokeyLuciano

    They got me. .. :(

    Mine stayed there for a full week before I got mine. . And I'm jus 4 hrs from Chicago
  15. SmokeyLuciano

    Attitude Seedbank Suggestions

    Thanx will do. . Decided to scrap the two bubblicious Seeds that didn't pop. . No split r nothing, they appear to jus be dead replaced them with the blue Mystic
  16. SmokeyLuciano

    Attitude Seedbank Suggestions

    If these other two auto bubblicious Seeds pop then Imma trycross that with th seeds Chocolate Chunk and either hso bubba Kush or tga seeds Plush Berry..see if I can get an auto of them
  17. SmokeyLuciano

    They got me. .. :(

    Boort Anna see4.. What happen did you recieve yours?? Mine sat in Chicago for a week before I got it and it was too the same address. . Hope yall get it or got it
  18. SmokeyLuciano

    They got me. .. :(

    I'm not doing it anymore smh. . I spent 400 on this order and I was on edge when it was taken the first time. . But 2nd Tru I got it