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  1. Dukez

    cfls or sunmate twin tube floresent light????

    only got one plant atm lemon sour diesel.. im not sure about the size of the pot im a newbie u see lol its not 2 small id say a gallon
  2. Dukez

    cfls or sunmate twin tube floresent light????

    ok so ill go with cfls for this grow an see how it go's.. i can try the sunmate on the nex grow box i make :-P
  3. Dukez

    cfls or sunmate twin tube floresent light????

    i had a heat problem with the sunmate but iv sorted it i had to put another intake for cool air... basically im jus asking what light would be better for veg cfl of tubes:bigjoint:
  4. Dukez

    cfls or sunmate twin tube floresent light????

    the past few days iv been watchin my plant hardly grow due to wat i think is overheating problems iv jus managed to keep it at 30 with lights on 27 off now iv sorted my heat problems i was wondering wat ppl think i should use to flower my plant i got 2 45w medium sized cfls or my sunmate with 2...
  5. Dukez

    topping plants?

    thanks guys im jus gonna leave it now then....
  6. Dukez

    topping plants?

    hi i was wondering wat ppl think about topping plants? duz it increase ur yield in small grows? iv had a few ppl tell me u should jus let it grow insted of stressing it an choppin? my plant was topped 3 weeks ago now i got 6 topps should i chop it again its jus been put on 12/12 :confused: :joint:
  7. Dukez

    The UK Growers Thread!

    at the moment im payin 300 pound for a ounce of nice weed like cheese, amnesia, lemon can get dutch for alot cheaper but i love cheese, i know ppl sellin 1.5g for 25 pound its gettin silly with the prices nowadays i remember ounces for 120 an it was always high......... nice pics lads sum fat...
  8. Dukez


    hi people well wat can i say u lot can call me duke im growin in a 4ft x 2ft box i got 2 45watt cfls and also was given a nice twin floresent light setup but it over heats to like 91 i got a little 6 week old plant was a seed from a nice batch of cheese been chopped twice so it has 6 heads iv...