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  1. D

    4 pot rdwc pro flo problem PH rising way to fast tried everything 1.2 EC 90l

    On another topic WOW I just installed my new TS3000 and it actually made the girls perk right up !! It replaced a TS1000 surrounded by 4 blurple 300w, did the job nicely for a few grows but after 24hrs with the new light on the girls are at attention and praying to the sun Gods LOL !! Im...
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    4 pot rdwc pro flo problem PH rising way to fast tried everything 1.2 EC 90l

    I use advance products only . my 4 pail rdwc system runs fine once I get it dialed in ec and ph stay static or minor variance in ph usually up never past 6 . NOW I have tried everything I can think of with my cloning attempts ?? same pail as my dwc system with misting sprays, plastic...
  3. D

    Plants wont grow

    I found that when new plants and old stop growing is because they can not uptake any nutes due to cal, mg deficiency. go easy on your base nutes ( 1/4 strength) and use more cal mg in your water. Especially if you are using led lighting( needs more cal mg, ?? not sure y) Once growth starts...
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    4 pot rdwc pro flo problem PH rising way to fast tried everything 1.2 EC 90l

    This must be a major issue with most grows cause I have the same prob. !!! Not so much, but does happen in my rdwc(4 pot, 5 gal pail - 8-10 gl res) but trying to clone and holey fck ! hard water(260-349ish +-) put through ro filter and still the water is 5-12 ppm to start then I add to 1L wtr-...
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    Slow Growth

    never give up on a seedling until it is dried up !! I just revived a blue berry seedling that was stunted for 3 weeks due to bad water(rdwc). It is now 6" tall and looking great !! Just needed so TLC . Stunted growth can be a calcium def.
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    nute prob

    the color is not imprtant but look at the leaves how they look wilted and are curling down some what . the leaves are solid green maybe a little dark but no discoloring , necrosism nothing, just this one plant looking sick ?? No biggy it is growing in size but could be slightly better. The last...
  7. D

    nute prob

    I am in the 4th week since the lights went 12, 12 . 4 plants in RDWC , 3 are doing fine but this one has an issue ? I think it might be excess K . anyone have an opinion ? See how the leaves look like they are wilting ? Still growing but has stunted a bit !! Advanced nutes, EC .82, Ph...
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    rdwc water pump question

    I built myself a bottm fed, top drain rdwc system and I am using 1000gph pump with the return being a waterfall into the res. I have air stones in each pail(4). Each pail has a water level of appr. 4 gal and with the pump I use the water is recirc about every 6-10 min. With good water pressure...
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    slowwww growth

    it has been appx. 2 weeks and the girls ARE ALIVE !! After giving them a 4-5 days to relax a bit I then topped up the res with 5 gal w/15 ml cal mg and 10ml B52. after adding the res was @ 170ish ppm. 3 days later I started upping the nutes appx 30-50 ppm's every 3 days until the nutrient...
  10. D

    slowwww growth

    the roots are whiter than white, they darkened when they were sick but they are doing great and spreading out !! Every 3-4 days i am going to up the ppm's by 30 ppm or so and as long as no problems arise I will stop once the growth is going good ! Had to prune them today so something is working...
  11. D

    slowwww growth

    what is ur water ppm before u add nutes ? Mine is close to 0 @ 8ppm . So if ur ppm's rise they are drinking just water which means WHAT ? That there is more mutes in the water than the plant can use ?? or not enough calmg for the plants to be able to uptake the nutes. ?? The ppm's use to rise...
  12. D

    slowwww growth

    it has been ten days and things are returning to normal ! yay ! this was my solution first i drained appr. half of the water ( 12 - 15 gal 0r so ) when I topped up the water I actually lowered the ppm's but added more cal mg and some advanced GMB 1/4 strength but upped the M for added nitro...
  13. D

    slowwww growth

    News - - International Cannagraphic Magazine, found this and I think this is my problem . pics look a lot like my plants, gonna up the cal mag. back in a few days with an update and again thanks for the help all !! Happy Growing
  14. D

    slowwww growth

    I read the VPD post and , seriously !! A little to technical for me !?? my water and air temps are well with in reason , RH is a little low but will rise shortly with warmer weather. So as long as temps and RH are with in reason then VPD is irrelevant because it happens naturally under these...
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    slowwww growth

    whats wrong with the temp 75f-80 f or us Canadians 25c - 28 c ?? rh 40% not to bad could be 50 ish ?? AND wat is VPD???
  16. D

    slowwww growth

    one other thing. the ppm s seem to always rise after a period of time passes 8-12 hrs or so ??
  17. D

    slowwww growth

    RH 40% as soon as weather warms up it goes up to 50 ish. room appx 25c never hotter than 28c top feed was for the seedlings before roots started showing. Rooted in rockwool cubes then 6" pots with hydrotron. Been the same for 20 yrs first time I have had this prob.??? When I up the nutes past...
  18. D

    slowwww growth

    6" pots are FULL of roots but very little are protruding the pot ? My guess is the plants are root bound ? Removed plants from pots and loosened up the roots and replaced with new hydotron, also raised pots to slightly above the water line. Anyone else ever deal with root bound issues ? I will...
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    slowwww growth

    no pics from last crop but averaged 5-8 oz per 3-4 ft plant. water is always 68-72 (+ - ).water from tap is hard @ 350ppm + but RO brings it down to 8-10 ppm before nutes
  20. D

    slowwww growth

    Thanks for the quick response. seeds popped feb 15 . pots just touch the water with lots of roots but not growing long( maybe root bound)???my system is bottom fed with a top drain, no dead spots, water is always moving. Last 3 crops no problems. only thing I noticed was I never used more than...