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  1. K

    Sensi Vs. Non-Sensi potency

    Great input here guys. Thanks for all the replies. So I guess have two schools of thought here: 1- Sensi and non-sensi are roughly equally potent. 2- Sensi is MUCH more potent than non-sensi I have to admit, I dont get THAT many seeds. If I were to guestimate, I would say minimum 30 maximum...
  2. K

    Sensi Vs. Non-Sensi potency

    Cool Woomeister, so we can say you can loose yeild from non-sensi. Next question, is sensi really a better smoke and high than non-sensi?
  3. K

    Sensi Vs. Non-Sensi potency

    So far I have been unable to avoid pollination and thus, I have seeds in my buds. Damn hermies. Then, about 5 minutes ago, I was thinking: I have never smoked sensimila, oh what a shame! But is it? The stuff I have grown and smoke to this day is just great! So I guess my question is: am I...
  4. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    Thanks! lengthening characters!
  5. K

    watering question? during flowering

    WHAT!!! Those are way too small.
  6. K

    How close am I to harvest

    Yeah what he said. Trichs will tel you when to chop those babies down my friend
  7. K

    watering question? during flowering

    Ouch! That doesnt look good at all. How old are they? 2-3 weeks?
  8. K

    watering question? during flowering

    Damage is done. But fret not this has happened to me a couple of times. First of all FLUSH NOW!. Use the search feature in the forum or go to the FAQ's and it will tell you how to do it there. But your'e ont he right track. Next is to make sure the holes on the bottom of your pots are not...
  9. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    Got any pics?
  10. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    cool haha bongsmilie
  11. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    Nope that;s pure died up weight!
  12. K

    Bonz`s Dutch Treat 12/12 cfl grow

    Nice going bonz! Yup those are trichs all right.
  13. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    Hi bonz! Thanks. I got really busy towards the end thats why I didnt post new pics or vids. This stuff is sweeeeeeet!
  14. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    Sorry here are the pics
  15. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    Well boys it's all over! The plants have been chopped down, dried, cured, and bagged. Here is what I got in total (dry weight): Hindu Kush 5 plants 400 grams=14.1 ounces White Ice 5 plants: 300 grams=10.6 ounces Here are the pics too. Basically I categorized my weed in this way: Hindu Kush...
  16. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    Thanks bonz. I agree there is still more room for them to grow bigger buds. But regarding watching the new calyx's I noticed during my last grow that new calyx's keep on coming out regardless, they don't stop. Am I right? Will try the 72 hour thing. Remember they need 6 days for flowering, but...
  17. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    But we only have another week till we harvest. We're supposed to water with pure water only the last two weeks.
  18. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    Pics and video from day 37 of flowering. Temperatures are 21-28 humidity 30%-45% no more ferts.
  19. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    23 days of veg or flower? can you post pics?
  20. K

    Hindu Kush & White Ice Grows

    OK. Here are the pics and video for day 27. Inputs please people. Thanks.