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  1. W


    Might want to try flushing them with some distilled or equivelant water and then check PH after that? I had some PH problems early on (was way too high), and a good flush followed by low dose nute (at correct ph) and they rebounded really well, but hat was way early in seedling/veg. I now...
  2. W

    Tap water ,somtimes it's the problem

    I have horrible tap water, I don't have a ppm tester, bu my tapwater PH, out of the faucet, is 10. It caused me some early on PH troubles. I am using distilled on my grow now. I had tried one of those RO dispensaries where you can refill your water...I guess they don't change their filters...
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    Just driving by - Love the grow man. I have the same PC case for my desktop, only with the window on the side panel.
  4. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    6/27/2010 day 37 from seed I took 2 cuttings from the mos vigorous, healthy plant, and 1 cutting from the other two, and will see if I can successfully clone them. the plants are looking pretty good, leaves becoming a dark green, fragrant, and are between 10 and 11 inches now! tips are...
  5. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    I transplanted the girls into 4gal square pots this morning, root systems looked good, and had no problem transplanting them whole into their new homes. They looked good tonight, a tad droopy but thas it. We'll see how they look tomorrow. Peace
  6. W

    Make Butter Better, the Ultimate Recipe for Cannabutter

    I'm not a chemist, but I do like cooking, and Alton brown rocks. I would imagine the point of mixing it with water is to regulate the heat, both for the pot, and the butter. Since boiling water won't get hotter than 100C, it keeps the bud and butter out of direct conact with the pans metal...
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    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    6/23/2010 Day 33 from seed. Go some Big Bloom for the last feeding, fed 1/2 strength Grow Big and 1/2 Big Bloom, and wow, they are aking off. hey're looking tons better than when I was having serious problems. I got rid of the runt, leaving 7. I've positively sexed 3 as female. can see a...
  8. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    4 weeks old today. I fed them wednesday night and they are really taking off. I is hard to tell, but i looks like some of he plans are preflowering. The 2 largest plans seem to be showing, and I think they are male, bu it can be hard to tell without experience. I also put on the carbon...
  9. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    6/14/2010 Day 24 The plants are getting bigger, and putting out more smell - it's almost time to try out my DIY carbon scrubber. The pots are getting light, but that damn MG moisture soil always feels damp in the center under topsoil, so I'm going o let it slide and waer tomorrow maybe...
  10. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Day 23, the plants looked pretty dang happy today, and of course more growth. Will try and snap somepics tomorrow morning and get them on tomorrow night.
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    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Some pics from yesterday...they're starting to put off a real sweet smell!
  12. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    3 weeks today since I planted them! most of them except for the runt are getting bigger every day. Leaves were a good green today on the new growth. I watered them this evening, with 1/4 nutes, PH 6.5 and runoff was 7.2. I took some pics but can't UL from here so will get them up tomorrow...
  13. W

    Getting worried. Please help my newbness! stunted growth, yellowing, spots! pics!

    Hey guys. Plants are looking much better. Flushing and PHing is helping a ton, and hopefully will be manageable. If you're interested, there's a link ot the journal I started in the sig :)
  14. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Your grow looks nice man! I'll be keeping an eye on it. my plants have exploded! they're looking great, aside from the leaves that had earlier problems. New growth is looking much better, and they're getting bigger fast. I will post some pics tomorrow. the pots are feeling pretty light, so...
  15. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Hey RIU! All comments/help/gripes/newb-insulting welcome! First, big thanks to sickstone, desertrat and legalizeitcanada for their help in the problems thread. Your help was and is greatly appreciated. On to the grow. My first grow, 250wHPS, in a cabinet roughly 20x30x72, lots of...
  16. W

    Getting worried. Please help my newbness! stunted growth, yellowing, spots! pics!

    Again, thanks a ton guys. I tend to be a process-learner, and it's hitting me like a two-ton heavy thing.Anyways, I'm wondering if a high PH could cause the problems, not just the nutes? Here's the story.This morning, I saw more browning spots on the girls - some on plants who hadnt shown any...
  17. W

    Getting worried. Please help my newbness! stunted growth, yellowing, spots! pics!

    Sweet man thanks. Oh, and I have not used any nutes yet. :)
  18. W

    Getting worried. Please help my newbness! stunted growth, yellowing, spots! pics!

    Wow thanks for the quick replies guys! I had read mixed results on MG, and yeah, thats whats worrying would you say this is nute burn? I have 8 plants and 2 of them are looking pretty good (think I put a pic of one in there), the smallest one started first, now 3 of them are getting...
  19. W

    Getting worried. Please help my newbness! stunted growth, yellowing, spots! pics!

    Hi All, I am getting worried and hope you all can help me. I've been pouring over the information available, but as a newbie, just can't figure out what is going on with my kids. They are 15 days old from planting in soil. They are in miraclegro moisture potting mix, RH is 40%, temp between...