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  1. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Biochar Showdown

    Week 2
  2. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Hydroponic vs Organic Showdown. Cutting Edge Soultions vs Nectar for the Gods -Pro

    I decided everything is going outdoors, so I'm moving this thread. See ya at the outdoor section....
  3. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Supersoil Showdow Subcool supersoil vs Moonshine Man's Mix vs Slauson Supersoil

    One of my music samples got disputed. Here is a new copy with a new soundtrack
  4. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Biochar Showdown

    Wish I knew more about Bio-char. I didn't make it, I am just testing it for someone. He said, "I didn't charge it with "N" but with something else." That's all. He works for a soil company so he might not want to give away the whole recipe.
  5. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Biochar Showdown

    47 is a truly special plant in my stock. I'm still going threw a second round of testing genetics, but 47 is ALWAYS the first to show roots in a cloner, and finished 2 weeks faster then anything else I have. I asked the guy who made the Biochar what's his activator. He said it's the same...
  6. Superweedman

    subs supersoil

    Here is my subcool soil vid
  7. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Biochar Showdown

    I'm running so many showdowns..... thought I would do another..... what can I say, the research is addicting.
  8. Superweedman

    Superweedman's version adds High Nitrogen Sea Bird Guano and Hydroton

    This looked like a good place to share my adventures with Subcool Supersoil. If you want to see grows with this soil check out other videos on my channel....... especially the super soil showdown, where I do a side-by-side supersoil competition with three very different super soils. Subcool...
  9. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Hydroponic vs Organic Showdown. Cutting Edge Soultions vs Nectar for the Gods -Pro

    Just want to let you guys know I'm also doing a biochar showdown with nectar of the gods.
  10. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Hydroponic vs Organic Showdown. Cutting Edge Soultions vs Nectar for the Gods -Pro

    Its not 100% organic. I mention in the nectar video that it contains minerals which is basically mineral powder. Rocks are not organic, BUT they are all natural so I dont hold that against them. I think the test is still valid. Nectar has many organic compounds and the soil is alive with...
  11. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Hydroponic vs Organic Showdown. Cutting Edge Soultions vs Nectar for the Gods -Pro

    Just made a video for the Nectar For The Gods... Working on a Cutting Edge Solutions Video..........
  12. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Hydroponic vs Organic Showdown. Cutting Edge Soultions vs Nectar for the Gods -Pro

    Not very stealthy over here..... I have lights on 5am-12am
  13. Superweedman

    Superweedman's Hydroponic vs Organic Showdown. Cutting Edge Soultions vs Nectar for the Gods -Pro

    Another Growdown Showdown by superweedman. Day 1 Room Setup a few days later my tank sprang a leak. Week 1 Update