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  1. C

    Deep in the woods

    Oh damn I have my hammer and nails already to go. I just have to find that pesky cat that is always pissing off my dogs...
  2. C

    Deep in the woods

    Yes, I was unsure of clay. Perhaps I will do half in a raised bed and half in large holes. I am thinking 4 ft deep by 4 ft wide for each plant, spacing them 10 ft apart. Why is it a bad idea to plant the new sprout right away?
  3. C

    Deep in the woods

    Thanks, but I have no choice with the soil. I have x4 seedlings right now and germinating x3 more. The soil I have selected seems to be working....they are growing.
  4. C

    Deep in the woods

    I live near the woods. Not getting into to much details but it is very vast at least a mile away from any houses. I want to plant about 6 plants total. 6 so I hopefully end up with some females. I want enough bud to last me awhile. So since I am growing deep in the woods I have a few questions...
  5. C

    Growing outdoors with native soil...a few questions

    Well as I stated before these are not the only seeds I have.
  6. C

    Growing outdoors with native soil...a few questions

    Ok I just checked the store. A 20 lb bag of soil is 1.49. Any Idea how many I should get for like 20 plants total? (Assuming half will be male...)
  7. C

    Growing outdoors with native soil...a few questions

    Thanks. I suppose I am going to take these unknown seeds and plant them really far away from my good stuff. Even IF I don't check on them and I let males grow - I can still make hash.
  8. C

    Growing outdoors with native soil...a few questions

    Regular seeds. ~12 High quality seeds not sure if they are feminized. I might be able to take some clones from my plant after I harvest. My main concern is the soil. Is there anything I can do to up the quality? I plan on raking the site, digging up the soil and putting fish line around my site...
  9. C

    Growing outdoors with native soil...a few questions

    I have PLENTY of bag seeds and plenty of high quality seeds. I just have a shit load of unknown seeds. Watering once a week would not be a problem for my higher quality seeds. I just want to make sure they will grow in native soil. I assume they will since there is other vegetation growing but I...
  10. C

    Growing outdoors with native soil...a few questions

    50 miles away....i think im good. yes I have plenty of bag seeds and high quality seeds. i want to try planting them because I have lots and lots of the seeds - any way to tell if its a hemp plant easily? I mean I can try growing a few indoors and then see.
  11. C

    Growing outdoors with native soil...a few questions

    No this "weed" was growing outdoors next to a farm - visible from the road. No where near me. I have no idea what it is...
  12. C

    Growing outdoors with native soil...a few questions

    Alright, thanks. Yeah I figured I would have to check them quite a bit. However I might not be able to check them every week. Maybe once a month aside from when they start flowering. The place I am going to plant them has a near by water source.
  13. C

    Growing outdoors with native soil...a few questions

    I can't afford to buy soil because I am on a limited budget as is. If I could I would. Anyways... I am only growing for myself. I want enough to last me for awhile. I have grown indoors successfully (now on my 2nd plant! flowering - looks beautiful except for light burns - had to leave it alone...
  14. C

    Outdoor soil question

    I want to try planting outdoors but I have no money to spend on soil. I just want to grow a few. I can get nutes/ferts. Any suggestions?
  15. C

    VT Guy first outdoor grow

    Hey I might be able to offer some insight I live in VT. :) They don't call it the "Green Mountain state" for nothing.