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  1. gamogamo

    Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow

    Fyfe, great work with the lowryders; i'm thinking of getting a pack of lowryder diesels myself. So you say they aren't as dwarfed as you thought huh? haha Did they end up caping at the two feet range?? O and do you know if the everbodydoesit would be able to send to america by any chance...
  2. gamogamo

    Marijuana Evolution

    hahah i would but i'm getting extra credit for a definite answer ;]
  3. gamogamo

    my first grow box

    alright now i feel real slow. what does a cool tube do ? ?
  4. gamogamo

    my first grow box

    awesome, thanks for the help ! idk what'd i'd do with out you guys :mrgreen:
  5. gamogamo

    Marijuana Evolution

    So i'm taking a botany class right now and i posed the question; how did the production of thc benefit the marijuana plant.. did it ward off animals.. or did god just decide to make the day easier and on the seventh day made Marijuana?
  6. gamogamo

    my first grow box

    do you thin two 100w hps would work fine? what does adding the ventilation do?
  7. gamogamo

    my first grow box

    Hey everyone! I haven't been on in quite sometime and had to give up growin last year after a my first plant turning into a male. This time i'm going to be using a grow box and want to keep it simple! The dimensions are 3.5 ft x 2ft x 4 ft. I'll be using a 400w hps simple soil base and if...
  8. gamogamo

    Badd first plant

    sorry for not posting sooner, internet went down. yeah he's a boy and he's dead. I'd incredibly appreciate some advice on seed sites??
  9. gamogamo

    Badd first plant

    bad news, no camera. the buds have hairs on them and are drooping down. can i do anything with the plant?
  10. gamogamo

    Badd first plant

    So my first plant ended up being a male, can i keep growing it and eventually it will bud like a female???