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  1. C

    Icehouse = terrible beer

    im not sure on the fish emulsions but i LOVE using molasses up
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    Icehouse = terrible beer

    haha icehouse is only good when you want to get drunk off 3 or 4 bucks
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    saliva/mouth swab drug test info needed

    thanks for all the replies and advice guys, my test got delayed and i will be 10 days clean when im tested...i dont think its possible to fail at this point
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    saliva/mouth swab drug test info needed

    thats true, ive been chugging water non stop since you recommended it. thanks for all the advice guys its settled my nerves, ill take all these precautions and hope for the best
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    saliva/mouth swab drug test info needed

    did you just leave a little water under your tounge or what? i dont want to open my mouth to talk and have water drool out haha
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    saliva/mouth swab drug test info needed

    for a mouth swab? i thought that was for urine only. forsure well im gonna go chug half a gallon right now lol
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    saliva/mouth swab drug test info needed

    anyone have anything else in mind that might up my chances ?
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    saliva/mouth swab drug test info needed

    thats what some friends have told me, im just nervous as all hell and id like to take literally any precautionary action possible
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    saliva/mouth swab drug test info needed

    okay so heres the situation i smoke every day, around a gram or so of pretty good stuff i havent smoked in roughly 50 hours and i have a mouth swab test tomorrow, so that will give me a total of 72 or so hours clean. the test is for a job, and ive seen the test be administered, its a loli...
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    ending my first outdoor grow with a potential problem

    alright cool, i was tripping that it would negatively effect my crop. thanks for the input,it deffinately eased my mind.
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    ending my first outdoor grow with a potential problem

    ok so just cut'em a little early theyve already had it on them for about 24 hours now,is that going to affect anything that you know of?
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    ending my first outdoor grow with a potential problem

    and i forgot to mention that their just about 1 or 2 weeks from being ready to harvest,if that helps at all.
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    ending my first outdoor grow with a potential problem

    im about to wrap up my first grow and harvest what i have, but i went outside today and noticed that a lot of random debris is stuck on my buds. my neighbors gardeners came yesterday and did come weed eating ,plus it was pretty windy and theres a good amount of little dried grass clippings and...
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    LBH's 4 way lst tutorial (w topping sub-tutorial)

    wow thats pretty cool im going to give this a try with a small clone
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    E.B. Stone Edna's Best VS Fox Farm

    whats that supposed to mean?
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    E.B. Stone Edna's Best VS Fox Farm

    so im using both e.b. stone edna's best and fox farm ocean forest right now. the edna's best is really cheap and the fox farm is really overpriced, and besides the edna's best having quite a bit less perlite in the mix i dont see any difference in the ingredients. The plants i have in e.b...