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  1. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    thank fk for that ~ some how i doubt with your 1459 posts i have a feeling ul be back word warrior
  2. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    at last someone with a brain :bigjoint:
  3. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    as you wish it has been sent
  4. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    watch 2mins 8 seconds on the bbc link if you think excess heat from you home is not a probable cause for a warrant,You will find you are wrong !
  5. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    clearly the houses in the bbc link ie @ 1min 18 seconds you can see 3 heat source that brought attention to them,again its all if buts and mayb with you & they do say they patrol the skys several times a month to look for cannabis factory,s and as it says in the vid they then get warrant to...
  6. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    @ mindphuk & w dragon , yes there are thing to prevent them seeing cooltubes & marlar ect and yes dumping your heat via a chimney ect, have your lights hung from your apex and there going to see them if your so stupid to have no venting or marlar as a lot on a low budget cannot afford start...
  7. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    as you just said it was a candidate for a grow & that justifies a warrant = boom goes ur door, there is just no telling word warriors all you wana do i argue even when faced with fact ! not roofers say so
  8. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    think wot you like i give up trying to inform the thick,the link i just gave clearly states they can spot a fire under a roof yes marlar ect will help i never said it wont & the bbc vid its easy to spot the row of hps in the roof or dnt you notice that oh & i int no kid i have been at this well...
  9. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    as they say in the vid they look for hot houses and bust them if your house stands out in your row of houses your doors coming off,i have seen programs on tv were ppl have been busted just because they have had there loft hatch open and thats heated there roof space and the program in question...
  10. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or...
  11. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    you said you not sure what im babbling about & The only thing my post was intended was to counteract your ignorant belief ~ is hardly being nice is it like i said you a word warrior with nothing better to do than spam usefully links & im sorry but some of have better thing to do than troll...
  12. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    im not going to argue with some word warrior who has nothing better to do, yes your correct its a old as thread and needed some new info ~ the vid i posted gives a good insight into what power company's and police are looking for, much more usefully than you childish rants & omfg get a life if...
  13. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    you clearly have not watched the vid link, that vid was on uk tv made by the bbc not some fools & i dont care what its called its worrying & that 1 vid gives a better insight that all the pages of rants on here
  14. B

    Beat Thermal Imaging

    ok not going to argue with anyone, see it for yourself uk power company's & police useing helicopters to find grow New technology cops use a helicopter to spot marijuana grow rooms.. This is not F.L.I.R. because FLIR only works good at night. This new...