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  1. C

    Need help asap!

    U think a good flush of water thats stopd for 24 hrs and at ph 6.5 wil do the trick. Even if i have to wait for couple week? And some canna start to kick some life back into them?
  2. C

    Can anyone diagnose few of these plants? Asap!! Scared!! Odd leaves

    Iv not even checked my water iv literally just been using it from the tap. I know im supposed to let it stand for 24 hrs. And i havent been. Could that be the problem? Iv heard u dont need to ph it? I might do a water batch of 6.5 and totally flush them all?
  3. C

    Need help asap!

    so my best bet is to let them dry a little? and don't mist? as u don't think transplanting is a good idea? Im used to hydro not soil.
  4. C

    using hot mix need to transpant? any un fatal approches?

    need to transplant my plants back to light mix. any ideas to do this with unfatal concequences?
  5. C

    Need help asap!

    best cures you can think of would be appreciated? soil flushing or leave for coupledays or ph adjusting?
  6. C

    Need help asap!

    cant really buy new seeds. you think these are lost then? the others arnt that bad I just want to know a way to revive them and get them thriving?
  7. C

    Can anyone diagnose few of these plants? Asap!! Scared!! Odd leaves

    iv not been adding anything as its in biobizz allmix
  8. C

    Need help asap!

    no way of flushing all the nutes from the soil?
  9. C

    Need help asap!

    these are 2 out of 20 but the others don't look too healthy. is it worth transplanting to light mix? don't really want to spend another 200 lol. any ideas to revive well?
  10. C

    Can anyone diagnose few of these plants? Asap!! Scared!! Odd leaves

    iv got a ph pen. but people have been saying not to ph water and that the soil does it blah blah. okay so don't water for couple days and then hit it with 6.5 and hope for the best? anyone think they can recover?
  11. C

    Need help asap!

    what is my problem and how can I fix?
  12. C

    Need help asap!

    I had them in light mix first until about 2 days ago. they were having these problems before the allmix? and yeah I was misting them? il stop that. what should I do from now? should I start phinh water>? or any thing I can do to make them thrive?
  13. C

    Can anyone diagnose few of these plants? Asap!! Scared!! Odd leaves

    so your saying I should ph for soil? at about 6.5 then?
  14. C

    Can anyone diagnose few of these plants? Asap!! Scared!! Odd leaves

    done them from seed and they were fine until about 3 days ago? I got told not to ph water for biobizz allmix? are they past help?
  15. C

    Need help asap!

    could it be not leaving water to stand for 24 hrs for chlorine to go? or not phing the water? or not adding my nutes in time. as I currently have them on no nutes because they are in biobizz allmix
  16. C

    Need help asap!

    I spray them every day. iv got 2 of the lights on atm so 2000w watts. nope they were fine until about 4 days ago. got a 26 degrees holding. and a 40% humid. on 18/6
  17. C

    Can anyone diagnose few of these plants? Asap!! Scared!! Odd leaves

    there about 3 inches. got 4 x 1000w hps duel spectrum. water every 3 days. think its chlorine overdose? where water isn't being left to stand for 24 hrs?
  18. C

    Can anyone diagnose few of these plants? Asap!! Scared!! Odd leaves

    what should be my plan of action? lol . start leaving water for 24hrs? u think they can recover?
  19. C

    Can anyone diagnose few of these plants? Asap!! Scared!! Odd leaves

    I think its where iv not left my water 24 hrs before watering? and iv not added nutes yet as there only seedlings? was going to start chems but now im holding off until they look better? don't ph water either because iv heard your not supposed to with biobizz allmix?