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  1. claypooling

    Leaves going red in the middle of my Bay 11 ??

    Its genetic, the rest well do the same and start to go purple
  2. claypooling

    anybody from phoenix?

    hey, im new to the phoenix area and lookin for somebody to blaze with:joint:. Private Message me if your sexual predators though...not a big fan
  3. claypooling

    Whats the best medium for a dwc system?

    tryed and tested like what?
  4. claypooling

    Smoking vs. Vaporizing

    alright more questions, 1. when you get a good rip off a vape are you supposed to cough your balls off, because i do 2. does it made your eyes red/ as red as smoking, i swear mine dont, i don't know if it's because of only needing such a small amount or if its because you're not actually smoking...
  5. claypooling

    Whats the best medium for a dwc system?

    i was wondering what the best medium would be for a small homemade dwc setup, any suggestions appreciated:spew:
  6. claypooling

    homemade dwc vegetable garden

    yesterday i put together a simple 10 gal. dwc tub to practice growing hydroponically. i bought some tomato, lettuce, and green bean seeds and i was wondering what would be best to grow hydro? i wanna practice and get familiar with growing hydroponics before growing anything else
  7. claypooling

    Whats your favorite smokin music?

    3 words...six feet under
  8. claypooling

    so should i feel bad?

    first or all being ripped off is part of the culture, you know you've been ripped off before, i learned along time ago to see the shit on a scale before taking it. second of all this kid was a fuckin tard and mabey he shouldn't be smoking in the first place, the only time anything like that has...
  9. claypooling

    Sketchiest Place You've Smoked?

    alright..damn near every live concert ive ever been to, random crackhouse, my grandma's roof while cleaning gutters, and a cop parking garage in downtown springfield (didn't realize until after we were ripped that almost every car was a crown vic)
  10. claypooling

    Whats your favorite smokin music?

    good point, i should probly add primus, sausage, colonel claypool and the bucked of bernie brains, the fearless flying frog brigade, oysterhead, and the fancy band (all side projects of claypool). Also i would reccomend the Primus hallucino-genetics live 2004 DVD for audio and visual aid for...
  11. claypooling

    so should i feel bad?

    good for you bro ive had to do the same thing. i got this kid some kill one time only because i had known him for years and he told me he smoked all the time. before giving him the sack a smoked a fat one with him, before it was halfway done the motherfucker passed out on my dining room floor...
  12. claypooling

    Whats your favorite smokin music?

    When i was younger all i listened to was punk rock. When i started to smoke i realized that it was kinda unpleasant to listen to while stoned. Thats when i started getting into rap, it just seemed so much easier to get into and chill while tokin. Now, years later, here i am bumpin UGK, rippin...
  13. claypooling

    Smoking vs. Vaporizing

    One more note my girlfriend just reminded me of, the day we got the vap it didn't seem to hit very well. We had both used a similar vaporizer before, the hot box, so we knew how to use it but it just didn't seem to be hitting, i was a little dissapointed, but we still got ripped. The next...
  14. claypooling

    Smoking vs. Vaporizing

    i am curious to see if other people agree or disagree with my findings, i would like to hear from people who have been only vaporizer for a longer period of time. are there more benifits with long term use? does anybody actually not enjoy vaporizing, and if so why
  15. claypooling

    Smoking vs. Vaporizing

    that being said it has been a week since the purchase and i dont have a comaint yet. I haven't smoked since we bought the tower and im starting to feel the effects of smoking go away already. Ive been smoking every day since i was about 14, and i love to smoke. For me, as well as most people...
  16. claypooling

    Smoking vs. Vaporizing

    Intro: I recently moved to phoenix and after considering several new glass pipes at local smoke shops around town i decided that it would be much more benificial and effecient for me to spend the extra money on a decent vaporizer. At the Hippie gypsy, a head shop in Tempe, i found a very...