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  1. shadyslater

    Small Scale/ Low Budget Thread

    Latest pic of my blue widow growing in a 2'x2'x4' space
  2. shadyslater


    How long did you veg?
  3. shadyslater

    Little Sworth's First Grow...

    Hows it goin young sworth?
  4. shadyslater

    blue widow & pineapple express. closet cfl

    The p/e is gettin tall she's at a foot now lol, not my tallest yet defo the lankiest i've had tho. The b/w is starting to get a right thirst now nd the bottom of the top nugglets (saw it on a thred last night nd i bout pissed lol) are propa gettin fat now. The blue hash (another dinafem) is...
  5. shadyslater

    blue widow & pineapple express. closet cfl

    See i did that last time nd they were both still grees as fook man
  6. shadyslater

    blue widow & pineapple express. closet cfl

    Welcome budd
  7. shadyslater

    blue widow & pineapple express. closet cfl

    How long does every1 flush for at the end of flowering???
  8. shadyslater


    No dee (only lower nutes if i get burn) Just wanna kno if i should give a 10 day 14 day or whatever flushing at the end
  9. shadyslater

    What other countries besides the US here?

    Its still still frowned upon in the uk. Tho i think were on a 3 strike aystem for possion. But if ur caught with it in deal bags (even if u only have a couple of grams) u could be charged with intent to supply. Growing is i think pretty much the same in the laws eyes weather its personal or a...
  10. shadyslater


    I should of been more clear sorry I mean at the end off flowering. I flushed at the end of my last grow but they were still very green when i pulled them. I just wanna kno how long to flush for roughly to get rid of nutes from soil so the start to lose there green nd start to yellow
  11. shadyslater

    most of the white hairs are now orange/red does it mean its done?

    Yh pistals can orange very early on my blue widow they started changin colour at 3 weeks into 12/12 Invest in a pocket magnifier its the only way to be sure really (or use macro mode on a camera)
  12. shadyslater


    How long should i flush to get colour change in leaves??
  13. shadyslater

    1.5L pot

    Its all good buddy happy growin
  14. shadyslater

    Help explain a SCROG Grow to me?

    Find a guy called "sworth" and pm him tell him i sent u. He's the best scrog grower i kno
  15. shadyslater

    1.5L pot

    Yh mate let it soak in for an hour or 2 befor tipping tho (fogot to say lol)
  16. shadyslater

    blue widow & pineapple express. closet cfl

    I cant wait to do this next time man + i get to practice my clining lol
  17. shadyslater

    cfl light vs. heat HELP please

    I dont think theres any need for the blanket g.
  18. shadyslater

    Indoor overall questions

    As above mate smells always a factor. Have a look at the odour controll thread theres some awsome ghetto solutions if u dont qanna shell out lol
  19. shadyslater

    1.5L pot

    Oh nd to answer ur ? As u wanted i'd say 3-4 weeks