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  1. S

    pure oxygen pumped to roots??? any good?

    You sure wouldent think it would hurt it and I believe it would thrive because roots need o2 to grow...but i wouldent take my word for it, it would be an awesome experiment though im curious of what the results would be. My guess is that i does very well.
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    Help! Leaves turning yellow and dying! PICS

    As already said well by oldhippie, it is very natural you can pick them off if there about 50-60% dead...your plants look beautiful and keep posting through the grow id like to see the progress....take it easy.
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    Any guesses on this yield pics ???+++++

    Im going with like 10 oz's.
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    SSH readyto chop?

    Time is of the Essence my friend, im sure you were already aware of this you seem like a smart guy that knows what hes doing. As far as the SSH goes im not sure on were my buddy got his genetics but it was the real deal and don't expect fat tight nuggets. They will be more on the lose fluffy...
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    she is to big lol !!!! HELP

    First off i think you got a beautiful plant on your hands there, it looks as though you just tied down that topper and if anything that is going to increase your yield :clap:!! Like someone said before its no gonna hurt or shock it to take some of them big fan leaves off it will increase light...
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    From clone to harvest in one easy post ;)

    I'll say like 1.75 oz bongsmilie
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    Afgan Kush 3 weeks and 5 days flowering

    Just curious, i would like to know how hot it is in your grow room. It almost looks like its too hot in there. Try some molasses too, some say it works some say it doesn' wouldn't hurt to try, if you wait until about 8 weeks they should be some huge ass buds, just keep on watering when...
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    I broke my plant in 1/2

    Actually i watched my dads buddy who is a well seasoned grower just duck tape it back together it grows right back like new.
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    leafy white widow

    Where the buds getting any smaller?....because if the buds where still growing i would of left them there, leaves grow as the plant flowers its normal, plus white widow is a leafy plant to begin with.
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    leafy white widow

    Because once the flowering stage hits outdoors or anywhere for that matter, your whole purpose is to grow buds correct?...If your shit is growing leaves rather than buds then you have a problem. Get it OG?
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    Wild Weed

    Too late this year, try next.
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    Enough time to mature? Kush plant

    If your plant is already 1 month old then of course....putting it outside at 1 month i almost guarantee it fully matures and harvests before frost. Frost probably being in oct.
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    Indoor/outdoor Growing

    Of course you can as long as the sun is on the same schedule as your 12/12 right now dont fuck up its sleeping pattern it might shock the plant. But it will make way fatter buds in the sun man it wont hurt them at all.
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    i hvae to chop my 3 week floweing plant

    And yea you might get a buzz off it
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    i hvae to chop my 3 week floweing plant

    Yes pics would be nice then we could tell...there might be a tiny bit of budage and resin with it....those 2 last weeks are when the buds really fatten up (on a 8-12 week floweing period per say)...its a shame u got to cut it down...all that hard work you should smoke the shit off it anyways i...
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    Schwag Seed Gorilla grow

    The plant looks very beautiful i would have to say....the only way we can tell if its a female or not is if you take some close up pics of the nodes....depending on were you live i'd say you should be able to find out the gender in the next month or so..good luck keep us posted.
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    my first time pics

    If i was you "the north" i would feed them a fertilizer that was higher in nitrogen then anything else, untill about mid august when the sun starts cutting back then you should add a bloom fertilizer thats has a higher p and k. Good Luck and keep us posted :blsmoke:
  18. S

    How much bud to expect from this 5ft plant?(PICS)

    Yes you should stake that down so that beautiful girl doesn't fall over....since silver haze haze its genetics in mostly a sativa background id say it has a good month and a half 2 months will be worth the wait, don't get greedy and harvest early u will be rewarded with patience my...
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    15 days into flowering! How are we doing?! (Pics)

    So your at day 16, i would have to say your buds look incredible. You are doing very well. Depending on the strain you are growing...they should be done within 45 to 50 far as potent sweet think buds they should be coming soon, in the next couple weeks or so....its important to not...
  20. S

    could anyone help me

    Your plants will turn yellow in flower, they are using the nutrients up in there leaves to help produce the bud.